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I woke up, startled, as the bright white dorm lights flickered on. I groaned as I left my bed, my eyes flickering to Tris' empty bed next to me. I'd completely forgotten about the people in the medical ward.

That familiar wave of guilt drowned my body as I thought about Molly and the blood on her face after I'd ended our fight. I only did that because of Eric's orders. Funny how all the negative things about dauntless initiation find there way back to him.

I thought back to yesterday, reliving Four throwing knifes at me. Again, Eric related. Screw him.

My muscles ached as I stood up, the training was really taking a toll on my body. I stumbled to my drawers, my body drunk with fatigue, and grabbed my black trousers and vest top.

Groaning as I lifted my arms, I carefully slipped them on. Black and blue bruises trailed down my arms. The fabric was cold against my warm skin. I tied my hair into a high ponytail, and smiled as my new earrings were on show.

The corridors were empty at the early hour, but the noise from the canteen echoed far. I scanned the room as I walked in, spotting Lexi sat in the car corner. She was sat with an older dauntless man, I didn't recognise him.

I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal, and a large glass of orange juice from the counter, before heading towards their table.

"Morning!" I smiled, forcing my voice to sound happier than it really was. They both turned towards me, returning the smile.

"Lucy, hi!" She turned towards the man. "This is Carlos, he's my older brother."

"Unfortunately" he added, receiving a playful punch from Lexi. I laughed, I'd always wanted a sibling growing up. It would have made farming the lands a lot more fun.

I listened to their joyful jokes with each other, joining in the conversation when I could. Carlos gave me a heads up about initiation. Apparently the second part is harder that the first. How will my body be able to cope?

The other transfers began to leave the canteen, so I took at as my hint to head to the training room. I waved goodbye to Lexi and Carlos, and quickly ran to catch the group. I saw Christina walking alone, and caught up to her.

"Hi!" She turned around smiling, as my presence became known to her. "You okay?"

"Bit nervous, who knows what training will be like."

She laughed as I pulled open the heavy door to the training room. "Good point Luc, good point."

Eric was stood next to a digital board in the far corner of the room, and we all gathered around it. The table of long metal guns were set up next to the targets on the right wall. I knew what we would be training this morning.

"Listen up." Eric said, clapping his hands. Everyone immediately fell silent. "This board will display your rankings so far, at the end of the first section of training the people below the line will be leaving us."

I looked over as the list began to appear, nerves were running through my veins. The list had room for 14 people to remain, and dauntless born imitates were ranked against us. Surely that's not fair.

1. Uriah.
2. Charlie.
3. Carly.
4. Peter.
5. Will.
6. Lexi.
7. Al.
8. Lucy.
9. Theo.
10. Steph.
11. Molly.
12. Christina.
13. Adam.
14. Tris.

I quickly skimmed the list, happy to see the people I cared about were safe, for now.

Below the line had six people.

15. Maddi.
16. Elliot.
17. Jess.
18. Liam.
19. Lewis.
20. Ella.

Four of them were transfers, but two were dauntless born. That surprised me. I knew I'd have to work harder though, and not get on the wrong side of Eric again. I was in the lower half of the top 14, and that wouldn't do.

I watched as Ella sobbed, I felt sympathy towards her. Christina began to chat to me, over the moon that her and Tris were safe.

"Quiet." Four said, stopping the chatter. Silence quickly filled the room and he began to walk to the guns.

"We will continue to practice shooting this morning, but this time on moving targets."

Oh gosh, that wouldn't be as easy.

"Please come get a gun, and try your best. This exercise does go towards your rankings."

Christina and I hurried over to the pile and grabbed the top two. She took the far left booth, and I took the one next to her. Ella was on my right, and offered me a weak smile.

As soon as everyone was ready, the targets began to move. They were moving about randomly and at high speeds.

I quickly aimed and shot, my first bullet just skimmed one of the targets. I tried again, the same thing happening. And again.

This was starting to annoy me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Eric making his way down the line of initiates, not afraid to leave a comment on their demise. So, I needed to figure this out before he got here.

I decided to try follow the movement with my gun, and aim slightly to the right of the target.

I carefully aimed to the slight right, and moved my gun with the targets path. I pulled the trigger and joy filled my body as the bullet went straight through the centre of the target.

"Well done Initiate." a familiar cold voice came from behind me, "can you do it again?"

I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he can't just praise me. "I could do it every time." I said confidently.

He raised his eyebrows, "Really? Please show."

I sighed, why did I say anything. "I'd be happy too." I replied, the sarcasm in my voice was clear.

I repositioned myself, with my gun aimed the way it had been before. I could feel Eric's cold gaze on me as I tried to concentrate. His strong scent of cologne was very off putting.

I aimed my gun slightly right and once again followed the path. I took a small breath, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew forwards once again, piercing the head of the target. I turned around to Eric "told you!" I laughed.

It seemed like he almost smiled, but kept that stern leader look on his face. He bent down next to me, and leant towards me.

"I need to talk to you, come back here at 7." He whispered into my ear, his breath was warm against my cool body.

What on earth did he want?

I nodded, my gaze staying towards the targets, and he swiftly moved away.

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now