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The rest of the morning went by in a blur, spent watching the other initiates injure each other. Tris and a couple of others had ended up in the medical ward, alongside the girl I put there. A wave of guilt filled me every time I thought of her.

After lunch, those of us who were still okay gathered back together. The room now had a wall of blue figures, all along the right.

Beside the wall was a small metal table, full of small pocket knives. Four stood next to it, a solemn look on his face. He seemed distracted, almost worried. I wondered what about. Maybe he was just unhappy that initiates would be missing this training.

Eric walked in to the training room, and his strong voice cut through the silence, catching all our attention immediately. "Listen up." He said.

"As I said earlier, we are spending the afternoon learning to throw knives. This is an essential skill for a dauntless solider, and will contribute to your rankings. Four will talk you through it."

Four came forward, pulling my gaze away from Eric. He had a softer expression than his co-worker. I'd never really studied him before, but he had neatly cut brown hair and had a back tattoo that could be seen through his shirts collar. I wondered what art he had hidden under it.

He talked us through how to hold the knife, when to release it, and how to get enough power behind it. I tried remember all his points, but I'm more of a visual learner.

"Come get a few of knives each." He said, walking over to the table. Four handed us each three blades, and I stared at them curiously. The small metal blades had some worn down red table around the handles, and were very sharp. Crazy how these small things can do some much damage.

I took the board on the far left, and Tris' friend took the board next to me. I recognised her as the Candor girl who laughed at Four's name.

"Hi, I'm Christina!" She smiled, nodding at me. Her hair moved along with her head, it was neat and well cared for. "Lucy" I smiled back.

We helped each other learn the methods, and quickly got a lot better, improving faster than the other trainees. We were hitting the board consistently each time, high-fiving after one of us hit the centre of the figure. I didn't want to toot my own horn, but I was pretty good compared to other people.

One of those people was the boy on Christina's left. His name was Al. He struggled to hit the target, and the blades kept ricocheting backwards. I noticed Eric stood behind him, a strange look on his face. Almost one of amusement at this initiates struggle. I wondered why he didn't just help him, surely that's what his role is?

Al misses again. "That was pathetic." Eric scoffs, as the blade clanks against the ground. "It slipped" Al said, his figure tensing and face losing colour. I could tell he didn't like confrontation. "Well go get it." Eric stares at him, his face cross.

"What, while they're throwing?"

"Are you afraid?" Eric's voice was stern, and we were all paying close attention.

"Of getting stabbed by an airborne knife? Yeah." Al laughed, turning away from Eric.

"Everybody stop."

We all immediately stopped, afraid to even move a muscle. Eric was intimidating, and knew we would do anything he said. Something bad was going to happen to Al, I could sense it.

"Stand in front of the target." There it was.

Al looked nervous, and slowly looked towards the board. He started to walk forwards, his hands shaking beside him. "Four, give me a hand here." Eric yelled.

"You're going to stand there, while he throws those knives, and if I see you flinch you're out." Eric smirked, twisting a knife around in his palm."One thing you will learn here is that orders are not optional."

I watched Four head back to the table, gathering a handful of the blades. He stood opposite Al, and Eric nodded for him to go ahead, stepping to one side. I couldn't let this happen, there was no way Al wouldn't flinch. I couldn't just stand and watch while he became factionless.

I tried resist, but I couldn't stop myself.

"Stop." I cried, everyone turning towards me. Eric glared at me, his eyes piercing mine, almost annoyed I stopped his game. He might intimidate Al, but not me. "Anyone can stand in front of a target, it doesn't prove anything." I looked at Al, he smiled at me, grateful for my interruption.

Eric's eyes narrowed. "Well then it should be easy for you to take his place." My heart stopped, but I nodded and moved forward. He wanted to see fear, but he wouldn't see it from me.

I took Al's place, standing opposite Four. I looked at the blades in his hand. I could feel Eric looking at me, almost disappointed with me. I can't believe I let him kiss me, this was making me lose all my respect for him.

"Same rules apply." He said, walking to stand beside Four.

I sighed, as Four got ready. Out of nowhere, the knife came flying at me, piercing the board to my side. I stayed still, keeping my eyes on Eric - holding the eye contact with him. "Oh come on Four" he said. I kept watching him.

The second knife left his hands and landed next to my face. But I didn't let my gaze turn away, and neither did Eric. I can't believe he used to make me nervous, at least I was seeing the real him now.

"You can get closer than that." I heard the blade whistle through the air until it came to a stop just above my head. The final one came straight after and skimmed the top of my ear, making it sting. Eric looked satisfied that one had drawn blood.

"Points for bravery, initiate," he said, walking away, "but not as many as you just lost for opening your mouth".

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now