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A cheer erupted from my new faction as I began to walk towards them. I quickly looked at my parents, who were wiping tears from smiling faces. My dad nodded at me.

I knew I'd done the right thing.

I was greeted with high fives from many members, all welcoming me to dauntless. I quickly found a seat next to another girl my age, who was dauntless born.

She had long black hair and dark skin, with wild eyes. She wore long black jeans and a cropped black top.

"I'm Alexis, but call me Lexi" she said, smiling at me.

"Lucy" I smiled back.

The rest of the ceremony went by in a flash, until we were all dismissed. The dauntless began to run out of the room, chanting and screaming as they went. I looked back at my parents and smiled, as Lexi grabbed my hand.

We ran behind them, as the wave of black filled the street, now joined by a few other stray colours.

I felt alive as I jogged with them for the first time. I'd always watched them running, and trained myself by doing laps in the fields. I used to imagine I was running with them, but now I was.

We ran down the roads, chanting and screaming. And I couldn't stop laughing. Adrenaline soared through my body as I followed the pack.

"Up here!" A voice screamed, as the faction began climbing large poles.

"Follow me" Lexi cried, as we ran to the bottom of one.

Following how she climbed, I eventually reached the top of the pole. It led us next to the train track. I looked down at the city. I'd never felt so free.

"Quick" another voice cried, as we all began running again. I heard a train coming behind me, and knew exactly what was coming.

I turned around and saw people jumping on to the moving train. "You guys are mad" I said, and Lexi laughed.

Copying her, I hurled my body onto the train, breathing a sigh of relief when I felt the floor of it. Dauntless was already a lot more exciting than amity was.

I stood next to the door and watched the world go by. The wind was blowing my hair and I'd never felt happier.

The city looked so peaceful from this angle. The people below were small, and I could see all the factions. Well, except the one I was heading to.

"So, an amity in dauntless." Lexi said. "That's uncommon"

"Never really felt happy there" I shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad you joined."

I smiled, but it slowly faded as I saw what people were doing in the earlier carriages.

"Are they jumping off?" I screamed.

Lexi ran over.

"My mum said it's all about the landing. Jump and bend your knees as you come to impact, to roll onto your back, and it won't hurt."

I hugged her, "you're a life saver."

"I know."

As the carriage we were in pulled alongside the building roof, Lexi grabbed my hand. I looked at the gap, thinking about how easy it would be to miss the landing "On the count of three." She cried, squeezing my palm.




I was breathless as we flew through the air. Bending my knees just in time. I laughed as we fell over each other and landed on the dusty floor.

I stood up, wiping my legs clean, and a candor girl caught my eye. She was stood next to the ledge crying. I didn't want to think about what happened.

We headed over to where a group of dauntless were standing. They were in a massive crowd by a wall. It was easy to spot who the transfers were.

"Attention please."

A stern voice cut through the crowd, all eyes immediately on who it came from.

A tall man stood on the ledge. He wore black trousers and a black jacket. His arms were folded over his chest, making the jacket highlight his muscles.

He had short blonde hair, that was neatly arranged. He had a small piercing above his eye brow, and a black stud in each of his ears. His eyes were harsh, and his face was stern.

He had two tattoos trailing down his neck, almost of geometric pattern. I couldn't look away.

"Whose that?" I whispered to Lexi.


"If you want to enter dauntless, this is the way in." He began, his voice was powerful. "And if you don't have the guts to jump, you don't belong in dauntless."

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" The boy beside me asked, his voice shaking. I could sense his nerves. Eric looked our way. My eyes catching his.

He looked away. "I guess you'll find out." He smirked. "Or not."

"Someone's got to go first, whose it going to be?" He continued, looking around the group. His eyes landing on me once more. My stomach flipped as they did.

No one said anything, and the group was looking amongst themselves.

"Me." I said. My breath slowing. I walked towards him, and he offered me his hand to climb up onto the ledge, his skin was soft.

I looked down at the drop. My heart racing. I felt his gaze on me as I was building up the courage to jump.

"Today initiate."

I looked over, studying his face. I couldn't quite understand him. Was he nice or not?

I rolled my eyes at him, then let myself fall off the building.

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now