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My body felt free as it fell down, my arms and legs were swaying in the air. I was breathless as I came to contact with a strong net at the bottom, it bounced me back up and I landed again.

I laughed, relieved. I couldn't believe I'd just done that.

A pair of hands were on my arms, helping me out of the net. I climbed onto the floor beside it, and stood up.

"What's your name?" The man asked. Drawing my attention away from the stunt I had just pulled. He had short brown hair, and soft features. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. Maybe he just had one of those faces.

"Pick carefully, you don't get to re choose".

"Lucy." I smiled. "My name's Lucy."

"First jumper Lucy!" He said, and a cheer erupted from the surrounding dauntless. He patted me on the back. "Welcome to dauntless."

My heart was racing, and I'd never felt happier. I was in the dauntless compound, I'd made it.

I watched as the other initiates completed the jump. Listening to the screams of fear and joy.

My eyes scanned the room around me. Light was peaking through from the hole in the roof - the hole I'd just plummeted through. The walls were made of rock, and tall. It was like we were in a cave. I walked around, taking in my new home.

"Are you the last jumper?" I heard, from the man in the distance. The boy climbing out of the net nodded. He clapped his hands for our attention.

"Okay everybody, gather round." His voice echoed through the cave. All the jumpers gathered together.

"My names Four." He began.

"Four like the number?" A candor girl asked. She wore a white jacket and had short brown hair.

"Exactly like the number." He replied, a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"What happened, one two and three were taken?" She laughed.

Four looked away, a stern look crossing his face. "What's your name?"


He walked towards her, his movements were sharp. "Well, Christina, the first lesson you'll learn from me is if you want to survive here, you'll keep your mouth shut." His eyes scanned her and he walked away. I smothered a smirk. I hated how candor members always said what came into their mind.

"Follow me."

The group of us followed him, as he showed us around the compound. He showed us the areas were he, and Eric, would be training us. There were many shops, and a large canteen. That reminded me of home.

He ended his tour in a large dormitory. It contained two long rows of beds, all with matching black bedding. Each bed held black trousers and top and matching black jackets. On the far right was some restrooms and showers.

"This is where you will be sleeping," he said, motioning around the room. "Get changed and explore the compound. Training starts at six tomorrow morning, don't be late."

He turned and walked away, I walked to a bed in the far corner. Lexi wasn't sleeping in this room, as Four said transfers and dauntless born would be kept separate during the training.

I ended up with a bed next to a girl from abnegation, and smiled at her as I picked up the clothes. She had brown hair, and looked friendly.

I quickly got changed and left the room, retracing the steps back to the dauntless born dormitory. I saw Lexi and ran towards her.

"Let's get some food and have an early night." I said, smiling at my new friend. "We don't know what to expect tomorrow, so it's best to be rested."

She agreed, and took me back to the canteen. It was a good thing I knew her, because there was no chance I'd have found the way alone.

I looked around the room as we walked in. My eyes landing on the man from the roof again. He was sat on a long table at the head of the room, eating some food.

The people on the table seemed important, and I recognised Four. I assumed it was something to do with leadership and running the faction.

He looked up and saw me staring at him, his piercing gaze matching mine. He smirked at me and winked. I quickly looked away, butterflies filling my stomach.

"Where shall we sit?" I asked Lexi.

"Come, I want you to meet some of my friends."

She led me around the tables to a group of teen our age. "Guys this is Lucy, she's an amity transfer."

They smiled at me. "I'm Uriah" a boy said, moving over to let me sit down.

"Steph" the girl across the table said, nodding at me. She had short blonde hair, and large metal earrings.

"And I'm Charlie." The boy next to Steph said. He had short brown hair, and a cheeky grin. I smiled at them all, grateful for them accepting me into their group.

"It's nice to meet you all!"

We talked and ate all evening, playing cards and sharing memories. They told me some things I needed to know about the faction.

The nature of the evening reminded me of my old home, everyone eating together and the long tables. But I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed this hard.

I was so happy that this was my life now.

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now