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I woke up again to the hustle and bustle of the dorm. People were running around finding clothes or something to clean themselves with. It was chaos, but I loved it.

I grabbed my new cargo trousers, and my black jacket. These trousers looked flattering on my figure, and they held good memories.

I quickly headed to the canteen, spotting Lexi and my friends sat at our usual table. I had a glass of water and some toast, while listening to Charlie explain how to fight.

He demonstrated some effective blocks, and told me to watch the other persons feet. "It lets you know when they are about to throw a punch", he said.

I saw Four walk into the canteen, and go speak to Eric. I looked over at him, and could feel my heart beating. Eric stood up, and the pair left the room. And the transfers began to follow. I nodded goodbye to my friends, and joined the line.

I spotted Peter, and ran to stand with him and his friends. He smiled at me, but his friends rolled their eyes as I stood with him. It was embarrassing that he was the only other transfer I really knew, so I made a vow to meet new people. I followed the group down the cold corridors and back into the familiar training room.

I was glad Eric had warned me about what was to come, because I had been able to mentally prepare. I walked over to a punching bag to get my body warmed up, and took the one beside the girl with the bed next to mine.

"Hi, I'm Lucy." I smiled, desperate to meet some new people. "Tris" she nodded. "Your bed is next to mine, isn't it?" "Yep, that's me" I laughed, turning back to the punching bags, and throwing some jabs. She seemed nice, I'd try get to know her more.

Eric clapped his hands, making everyone turn towards him. "Initiates, you will be fighting each other this morning, and we will practice knife throwing this afternoon."

I heard a small murmur overcome the room, at least I wasn't the only one who didn't feel ready for this.

He walked towards the boxing mat. "First jumper, in the ring." I stepped forwards, unzipping my jacket and putting it on the floor next to the mat. My knuckles were bruised, but I was ready. "Last jumper." He said looking around the room.

My heart stopped as Peter's friend walked towards me. I think her name was Molly. She was muscular, and seemed almost double my height. Maybe I wasn't ready.

We both stepped up onto the mat, and stood opposite each other. "How long do we fight for?" She asked, turning to Eric. "Until one of you can't continue."

My heart stopped, and anxiety filled my blood. What. Four ran to Eric's side. "Or when one of you concedes" he said, looking at Eric.

"According to the old rules." Eric said, a smile coming across his face. "New rules, no one concedes." My heart sped up, adrenaline pulsing through my veins. Or was it nerves?

"You really want to lose them on their first fight?" Four whispered to him, but not very quietly. "A brave man never surrenders" Eric replied, calmly turning his attention towards the mat. He had a point, but this was only training. Why he wanted to injure initiates I'd never know.

"You may begin." He said, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere. I immediately stood in the stance he taught me, and could feel all eyes on me.

Molly inched towards me, her face displaying her concentration. She quickly threw a punch towards me, her fist colliding with my nose. It knocked me of balance, and I could feel the blood trickling down my face. I cut towards her and kicked her stomach sending her back a few steps, following it with a punch to the side of her jaw.

She smashed my ribs with her elbow, and threw a punch towards my stomach, which I quickly blocked. My hands were shaking as I threw a hook and whacked the side of her. Taking advantage of her being unguarded, I threw another punch towards her neck.

She gasped for air as she came towards me. She swung to punch me but I ducked, and took out her legs, like Eric did yesterday. She landed on the floor with a bang, and I quickly punched her in the face, and she went unconscious.

I stood away from her, my body exhausted, as Four congratulated me for my win. A girl named Christina hurried to get someone from the medical ward.

I felt awful, I'd knocked a girl unconscious. I could feel the pain from my ribs swelling and my nose was pulsing. I looked over at Eric, and he nodded at me. At least I'd impressed him, hopefully that will secure me a good rank. But was it worth injuring the other transfers?

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now