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The canteen was bustling with people, and the noise filled my ears as I walked in. I suppose that was standard.

I spotted Lexi and her friends sharing some chocolate cake at the table we shared yesterday, and quickly walked to take a seat with them.

"Lucy, you need to try some of this!" Charlie said, passing me his plate. I looked at the piece laying on it. I'd never tried anything like this. We didn't have access to food like this in my old faction.

I hesitated, poking it with my fork. It was a weird texture, almost like a sponge? Steph laughed at me as I cautiously raised some to my mouth.

My expression quickly changed as I tasted the mosh heavenly thing I had ever eaten. It was warm, and so sweet. And had chocolate syrup oozing out. Forget my childhood dreams, this was now the reason I was glad to be in dauntless.

I quickly went back for more, treating my taste buds to this new phenomenon. Laughing, as Steph told me the story of how she messed up during her training. They were starting with knife throwing.

Thinking of training, my mind thought of one man. I looked over at the table of leaders, and watched Eric. I admired his neat hair, and the composure he always held him self with. But he was so strange. He treat the other initiates with such dislike and was horrible to them. He made their training hard. But not me, he helped me?

I watched as him and Four left together, realising we would be learning how to fight soon. I was worried. Fighting was far from anything I'd ever learnt at Amity. Shooting was different, it was just aim. But I'd never done something as physical as fighting. The most physical thing I'd ever done was tackle overgrown wheat.

My heart began to race, as the initiates began to leave the hall. I stood up to follow behind them, waving goodbye to my friends. Lexi grabbed my arm and squeezed my hand, acknowledging my anxiety. "You'll be fine."

I left the three at the table, and I joined the rest of the transfers. I looked around the large room I found myself in.

The floor was cold and concrete, the walls the same. Some large industrial light fixtures hung from the ceiling, giving the room a white glow. Down the centre of the room lie three mats, I assumed that was were the fights would take place. And on the right hung multiple punching bags.

Four was stood by the punching bags, and Eric was sat by a board in the distance. We all walked towards it, realising it had our names written on it in number order.

"What's that?" A girl named Molly asked.

"Your rankings." Eric stood up, and walked closer to the board. "You are all graded against each other and the dauntless born initiates. You are ranked based on how you do during training."

"What's the red line for?" Peter asked, and a smirk crept across Eric's face. It was almost evil, but why did it make my heart beat faster?

"The initiates who are below it at the end of the training are out."

"What happens to them?" A tall boy asked from the back of the group, I think he was called Al.

"Well there is no going back to your families, so you live factionless." He smiled, raising his eyebrows while looking at our shocked faces.

"They should have told us that." The candor girl
whispered across to the girl with a bed next to mine. It wasn't very quiet, and Eric overheard. "Why, would you have chosen differently? Out of fear? If that's the case initiate, you should leave now." He turned and walked back towards where he was sat, and Four clapped for our attention.

I caught Eric's eye in the crowd as we walked towards the mats, but quickly looked away. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

Four taught us all the basics. How to throw a punch, and how to block them. He said it was important that we understand how to maintain a good form before we progress any further.

He told us to go practice at a punching bag each, and everyone immediately went towards one.

My knuckles began to tear as I punched the bag over and over. Adjusting my feet each time, so I could get power behind by punches. I focused on my breathing, and making sure my back was straight. My legs were slightly bent, and my left foot was further forward. I practiced turning my hips to get a maximal amount of force in my punch. The orange punching bag was hard, and punching it began to feel painful. It felt like it was made of rock by the time Four dismissed us.

The afternoon has gone my in a flash, I was so focused on my punches I didn't even realise as the sun went down. I looked at my torn knuckles, they would be black and blue in the morning.

We all pilled out of the room in a hurry, relieved to be done for the day. I couldn't wait to go shower and find some new clothes with Lexi. However, just as I was about to leave Eric walked towards me, and blocked me from entering the dim corridor. "Initiate, can I please have a word?" He asked, and walked away from the door. "My names Lucy." I rolled my eyes but quickly followed.

He waited until we were alone. "You're good for a transfer" he said, his eyes locked on mine. My heart raced as I tried maintain eye contact. "I'd like to train you myself, I think you can be the best initiate."

I smiled, looking at his face. His expression looked softer than it usually did. "That would be great." I said. I needed the extra help, I didn't want to become factionless.

"I'll meet you here, after lights are out. Don't tell anyone where you're going, they'll assume your grading will be unfair. And don't be late." He winked and walked away, leaving me alone with butterflies in my stomach.

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now