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I followed the older man down the the corridor. He wore a navy blue suit. Erudite were responsible for carrying out this test, one of their duties as the faction of intelligence.

He pointed to a door on my right. "In there please." And smiled. I nodded and pushed it open.

The room was not what I expected at all.

It was large, but very empty. In the middle of the floor lie a bed, a bit like the one you sit on when you go to the dentist. It also contained a white desk with multiple drawers, which held a computer.

The walls were filled with mirrors, and the floor was tiled.

"Hi Lucy, I'm Anna. I"ll be conducting your aptitude test today." A voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw a young blonde girl. She only seemed a few years older than me.

"Please take a seat. And I will go through what the test involves." I sat down on the bed straight away.

"First, I must make sure you know that you must not discuss your test results with anyone, under any circumstances. This is the most important rule of the aptitude test, and means you can make your own decision tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"

I nodded, managing a small smile. It all suddenly seemed very real.

"Good. I want you to know this result does not have to be the faction you chose tomorrow, but you are advised to consider the result." She began. "The test itself is harmless, and you won't feel any pain. I will inject you with a simulation serum, which will alter your reality. In this transformed world, your actions will help us understand which faction you fit into."

"Sounds good."

"Are you ready for me to begin the process Lucy?"

"Yes." I said, never been more sure.

She walked to the desk, and pulled out a long needle. It was filled with a yellow water like substance. My heart began to race, I wasn't the biggest fan of needles.

Anna walked behind me, and pulled my plaits to the side, then carefully inserted the needle into my neck. I felt the warm liquid run around my body, before everything went black.

My eyes quickly parted again, and I looked back at my surroundings. I was in the test room, but everything from had gone, the mirrors were off the wall, and the furniture had disappeared.

But it wasn't empty. In the middle of the floor lie two objects. A long knife, or a stick of meat. I heard a voice, it was deep and powerful. "Choose." It demanded. I ran over and grabbed the knife. Why would anyone need a stick of meat?

Then, out of no where, I heard crying from behind me. I turned around to see a small baby in a cot. I picked it up. Now what? I had a baby in one hand and a knife in the other.

I looked around the room, but didn't see anything. But I could hear growling. There was nothing here, but there would be soon.

The noises were getting louder and louder until a large lion appeared through one of the walls, it's fangs on show. I hurried to the corner and put the baby down, facing it away from me.

Doing so caught the lions attention and it turned towards me, growling. I moved away from the baby as it began to run at me. It's paws slamming against the tiles. I could hear it getting louder and louder. I tightened my grip on the knife.

It was coming straight at me. As it did I quickly raised my arm and sunk the silver blade into it, just as it was about to get me.

I groaned as I yanked the knife out and stabbed the lion again and again. And watched the vicious beast collapse by me. My heart was racing. I can't believe I just did that.

I ran to the baby to make sure it was okay, and it offered me a toothless grin. I let let out a sigh of relief, as I lost my vision once again.

Breathless, I was pleased to see Anna once again. She was sat behind her computer. "That was fast." She smiled. "Well yeah, any longer and one of us would have died" I panted. "Could you see what I could?" "Yes", she replied, "the simulation has a viewing chip in."

"Lucy, your test results today are very clear." She said. "You are dauntless."

A smile stretched across my face. I knew it. I'd known it since I was five. I could choose dauntless tomorrow and have no regrets.

"Thank you Anna, you have no idea how good it is to hear you say that."

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