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The fire cracked on the fireplace as Hannibal stood infront of it The empty wine bottle on his hand.

It had been late night. He knew he wasn't alone. The air was filled with his scent.

"Same old after shave. I can suggest a new one." Hanniabl said looking in the fire.

"And your obnoxious as ever Hannibal."
Wills voice rang out along with his foot steps stopped behind his chair.

Hannibal could feel his body so close to him which made his chest flutter.

"What took you so long?" Hannibal whispered out.

"It takes time to heal and forget." Will said now his hands on his shoulder.

Hannibal shuddered beneath his touch and almost wined as he lost the touch.

"Stay with me Willium.  "Hannibal looked up to him. The blue eyes looking at him vacantly.

"There is someone who wants to meet you ." Will said taking his hand on his.

"Look closer." Will whispered getting closer to him.

"See.......see?" Will whispered as Hannibal looked into the darkness confused.

"Willium......I don't under-" hannibal flatted out as he saw a little figure coming out of the dark .

"......hanni...." her small voice rang out.
Hannibal sucked in his breath.

She raised her small blue hands.
"Brother......brother........I am hungry......I am cold.......I.....scared." her small thin face now wet with tears.

Hannibal moved back but he could feel Wills body blocking him as he felt his arm on his waist.

"Tell me hannibal........how did your sister taste?" Will asked softly as hannibal tasted the long forgotten meal. The meat soft and tender .....the soup was warming his stomach.

"Stop......please .......willium. Misha........i didnt mean it"

"Why.......why......brother?" Misha asked.
"What did I do?..........I was good.......what was my crime."

"Hannibal could only turn behind his face half hidden on Wills chest.

"Nothing......nothing.......your crime was your innocence and mine was ignorance. You didn't deserve it." Hannibal replied

Abigail appeared behind his misha,her hand on her little shoulder as his sister looked up to her.
Her throat cut open. Her clothes red with blood. Her brown eyes looked at him pleading just as she had months ago.

"Then what was mine?"  Abigail asked her voice broke. "What was my crime dad? You said i could trust you. You promised me a family . A place to keep me and Will safe. Away from madness"

Hannibal could feel himself lose it.
'This is not happening......stop....stop......please ..........willium.....please wake me up ....wake up.....'

"I didn't mean it. Abigail......I  didn't mean it." Hannibal whispered as the light in her eyes faded out . The anthlers formed behind her.

Will embraced him from behind as hannibal felt his warm breath.

"You and I have began to blur. Every crim of yours .....feels like I am guilty of." Will whispered as Abigail stumbled forward her hands reached out for them.

Hannibal wanted to take her hands . God he wanted to embraced her and Will and beg for forgiveness.

"You gave me a daughter then took her away from me.A family made for us?"
Wills whispered behind him.

Hannibal felt a warm liquid gushing from his side. He looked down in horror. Red crimson blood stained his side . A large cut on his Wills abdomen left by his hands.

Hannibal gasped out
"No......no......please......you lived.......you survived....."He groaned out as he felt Will going limp on his arms.

"Did I?" Will whispered looking into his eyes.

Hannibal desperately tried to stop the blood.

Desperately tried to mend the deep cut which he himself had put there.

"Stop......stop.......please stop......" hannibal begged as Will grew cold his blue eyes faded into the dark.


Hannibal woke up with a start.
The bed sheet beneath him wet with his sweat as his terror hinged up His breathing swallowed.

He felt his tears falling out uncontrollable as he held his hair.

"Stop this madness." He whispered hoarsely.

It took him an hour to calm down.

Finally when he was enough to gather his wits. He got up his bed and went to his desk.

Hannibal started on the black telephone.
Deciding the best way of approach. Did he dare to do it ?

His pride had prevented him from communicating with him. So did his fear and guilt.

He finally took the receiver and dialed the number he knew by heart.

It took a few rings before the receiver was picked up.

"Hello." Wills voice rang out as Hannibal felt a rush of emotions again.

"I forgive you will. Do you forgive me?"

"I-" Wills voice sounded from the other side.

Hannibal slammed down the phone beofre chocking out a sob.

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