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The warehouse is filled with pigs in  a cage one after another.
Hannibal was  bound in his own pigpen the brand burned raw and livid on his back boyh his arms and legs bound in the cage.
Sudden movement were heard as
Margot entered. She took a breath and approacheed Hannibal in his cage.

"Thank you for coming, Margot.  Hasn't been that long since I treated you.  Have you started taking the chocolate, as Mason likes to say, after you fought him for so long?" Hannibal gloated from his cage

Margot sighed "Are we in therapy now?"
She took a break "Mason promised to give something back to me. There was a surrogate all along. It's a Verger baby.  My baby."

"You think Mason will just give you what he promised?" Hannibal amused
"I can imagine lots of ways to be a
Verger baby that are unpleasant.  I'm sure your brother can, too."

Margot's eyes brimmed with tears.  She knew Hannibal was telling the truth.

"Listen to me, Margot.  Mason will deny you.  He will always deny you.  You know you'll have to kill him." Hannibal said trying to bargain.

"Are you saying you'd do it for me?  I could never trust you." Margot said weighting her words.

"No, of course not.  But you could trust me never to deny that I did it.  It would actually be more therapeutic for you to kill him yourself, Margot.  You'll remember I recommended that in session." Hannibal said flashing back to their sessions together.

Margot paused thinking hard .

"What difference would one more murder charge make to me?  I'm the only other suspect you've got. You can do it when it suits you, and I'll write a letter gloating about how I enjoyed killing him myself." Hannibal said now a bit desperate.

He could only imagine what was happening to his Will. He needed to get out ......now.

A sudden sharp movement dre their attention. Alan Bloom stood proud smiling beside the unconscious guard.

Margot stared, dumbstruck.

"Are you out of your mind?" Margot asked as Alana got a pocket knife to free hannibal.

"Yes." Alana said looking in her eyes
And back to hannibal.

"I thought I could save Will from you, but right now, you're the only one who can save him. .........Promise me you'll save him. ........ Please." She whispered.

As if hannibal needed to be reminded of it.
He would save his Willum....he would die beofr he let someone harm his beloved.
And hannibal knew it so did Alana. She was willing to risk everything for her Margot and so was he for his Willium.

'Murder husbands......Murder Wives ' 
Hannibal thought amused.

"I promise, Alana.  And I always keep my promises.  Just cut the ropes on one arm, give me the knife and leave.  I can do the rest."

Alana kept the blade on the rope.

"Are you going to kill Mason?"

"Margot is.  Snatch some of my hair, back from the hairline, if you don't mind get some skin.  Put it in Mason's hand after he's dead." Hannibal instructed

Alana looked deep in his marron eyes.
"Could I have ever understood you?"
She whispered.

" No." Hannibal whispered back smiling

"But Will Graham did. Only he does." Alana said smiling as she viciously pulled his hair and slashed the knife at the cable ties used to bind him.

Alana grabbed Margots hands and walked away. Margot glanced behind as hannibal  rose out of the pigpen.

"The devil has woken up."  Margot whispered as Alana couldn't help but agree.

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