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It had been officially eight months since ge had last saw Will. Eight months since the blood massacre.

He knew Jack Crawford was still in look out for him.
He knew Alana Bloom was working for Mason Verger and the man was actively hunting for hannibal.

Hannibal would be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat everytime the phone rang. He would nervously pick it up hoping and praying it was him.

But it never was.

"Dr Fell. I was hoping to catch up with you." Antonio's voice rang out as hannibal suppressed the disappointment.

Going out with Antonio was entertaining.

The man was of his standards. His writing was acceptable and his cultural and artistic interests were similar to Hannibal.

They had frequently visited operas and museums together.

Sometimes in a spree of moment Hannibal could almost see visions of Will overlaping Antonio.

Then when he sees  those green eyes instead of the blue it would snap him back to reality .

No he wouldn't hesitate to admit to the fact he missed it. He missed his Wills rudeness ,his mind. He even missed his aftershave and his horrid dogs.

Compared to the moments he had right now, even brushing the dog hair out of his chairs and clothes seems like golden heaven .

He missed it. Baltimore was never his home. He missed his home .Home was not a place .....it was a person. He longed for his Willium.

"Of course Antonio. How can I entertain you today." Hannibal said with some politeness.

"Well I have something very important to discuss with you . Let's say evening seven. "  He suggested as hannibal agreed.

After keeping the receiver down Hannibal stared at it lost in thoughts.

"Keep staring at it . You might burn  a hole through it." Bedelia remarked silently entering the room.

Hannibal merely frowned. Lately bedelia has gotten extremely quite......or was hannibals senses dulled by all the drinks. He never knows.

"How long have you been listening bedelia." He asked.

"Long enough to know your going out with William 2.0. "Bedelia scoffed
"Come on hannibal. Doesn't he know your or Dr Fell is married . "

Hannibal laughed out "Felling jeleous bedelia?"

"The only thing I am feeling is annoyance with you and everything else." She said. "Jumping like a lovesick teenager everytime the phone rings. I thought you were better than this hannibal."

Hannibal went quite.

"If your that keen for forgiveness I suggest you make some effort. Calling the boy time and again won't help and slamming the phone the moment he picked it up definitely won't help."

"This stupidness is only gonna lure Jack Crawford to us or rack up our phone bill." Bedelia said " and yes please get some good wine and not the cheap whiskey you have been getting. Just beacuse Will Graham consumed the brand doesn't mean we all enjoy it."

Saying those words she left hannibal.

Hannibal let out a sigh of breath before drinking the whiskey and cringing out.

She was right. The only reason hannibal bought the cases of whiskey and not wine was because he had found the chep whiskey his Willium consumed.

Now that the drink burned his throat he was only reminded of the bitterness of his beloved.

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