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The bodyguard drawed his gun from his jacket but realizes he is too slow.

Hannibal smashes the hammer in his other hand into the bodyguard's chest.
Blood  coughed up  .  The gun falls from his hand as Hannibal slamed him against the wall just as another bodyguard fires. 
Hannibal pulled his hammer and  rolled  under the line of fire and slammed the man who screamed and tried to bring his gun to hannibal  who held his wrist then ripped his knife across the mans abdomen. 

Hannibal looked up  as door slammed  and more came out charging into the corridor guns drawn.

Hanniablwas deciding the best course of action when suddenly bullets came from above them.

The new mens couldn't even react as they got slain one by one with such precision that they fell down.

Hannibal spins around but all he saw was dark corner.
"Chiyoh?" He thought but he knew time was running out
He nooded towards the dark as he ran out.

The bloodbath in the corridor was deadly bood splashed up and down the walls. 


Sadow fell across Will's face as Cordell leans over him.

"Good news and bad news.  The good news is, until recently, a full face transplant was almost unthinkable."
Cordell fussed around Will checking his monitors. 

Will's eyes moved to a tray of surgical instruments of Sharp blades and tools.
He struggled to move his limbs as panic rose in him.
Will Graham turned his head  sideways as Mason was pushed in beside him by Cordell.

"Cordell told me, if I waited long enough, he could grow me a new face from my own cells, but I was adamant it was your face I wanted." Mason said

"You're going under now, Mr. Verger, and when you wake up, your face will be bound and uncomfortable." Cordell said  Mason as he went out

" I'm going to cut off your face without anesthesia, Mr. Graham." Cordell said as Will could only looked him pinned down.

Just as the door swinger open reveling a bloody hannibal.

"Hello Cordell. Get away from my boy."

Will sighed a breath of releif as he watched  Hannibal attack towards them . His eyes gleamed with danger.

"Hannibal." Whispered as he had finally killed off Cordell.

The man looked behind. His maroon eyes looked deep into him shaking.


Will simply got up and drew his towards him.

Two souls finally together. As their bodies embraced each other Longlinly.

"I.....I missed you. " Will said his eyes filled with tears.

Hannibal held him closer.
"My god. You took them down alone?" Will asked

"No......Chiyoh helped. " hannibal said as ge burrowed deep into his arms.

"Chiyoh......you sure about that?" Willasked amused as she came to the door.

Hannibal looked behind him .

"....abigail....." He whispered

"Hello dad."

Abigail stood alive and proud. A hunting rifle on her hands . She smiled tears in her eyes.

"How.....what?...." hannibal whispered as Will drew him closer.

"It took some convincing to let Jack announce her death.......she has been with me in Wolftrp.....look at her hannibal......our daughter is a perfect ....she is here."

Hannib sobbed his head burrowed on Wills neck. Will embraced his beloved as he motioned Abigail to come closer.

Hannibak embraced her as she cried.

His family was finally together. They were alive.

Abiagil looked over Mason.

"What about him." She asked disquest

"Alana and Margot have plane for him.


They all stood above as the eels tore Mason's body.

Alana held Margot as they watched him.

Abigail stood near her fathers.
Hannibal watched Will and Abiagik from the corner of his eyes

His family was still alive. They still lived.

But all he could feel was a stab of sadness. He didn't deserve them. He was a monster. He didn't want to hurt them anymore.

Hanniabl quitely slipped out of the room.

The snow landed softly on the ground.

He stood at the edge of the cliff behind the farmhouse

the moon and the stars shone above the field.

Hannibl looked into the ocean. It as beautiful. It was his time to go.

Footsteps approached him from behind.

"Go back inside Willum. Its cold outside"

Will reached him.

"Come back inside Hannibal . Don't do stupid shit. " Will said.

"I don't belong there. We both know that."

There was siren alarming from distance.
Jack was here with FBI.

Will looked behind to see Jack ,Alana and Margot approaching them.

"We can run  away . Tonight." Will said As hannibal looked at him.

"Do you wish to do so." Hannibal whispered  looking down at the ocean.
A small light in the cloudy sea. A strom approaching fast.

"Where you go I follow."

"What about Abiagil." Hannibal asked
They looked behind at theri daughter who stood there horrified and confused.

"She will be safe. She will live away from our madness." Will said As he embraced hannibal.

".......I forgive you. " Will whispered as they embraced and threw themselves off the cliff.

Abiagil screamed and tried to followed but was stopped by Alana And margot who stood shocked.

Jack stood shocked before rushing to the cliff. He looked below. No sigh of Woll or Hannibal. Only the cold and unforgiving sea.

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