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Hannibal stood naked in ghe barn as The crest is made of iron glowed red with heat .

The red-hot Verger family crest is pressed against his flesh as the smoke rising from the iron, around the shoulder.  He doesn't make a sound..

Will Graham sat alone at the table, blood still smeared across his lips and chin. He remembered the moment he had with hannibal. He remembered the older man's expression his eyes. How he missed him. He missed him dearly.

Will remembered the phone call he had weeks ago. He remembered waking up to the call. He knew it was hannibal. He always knew it was hannibal. But when he picked up the phone all he heard were groans and tears. Confused will only stayed silent . 

After what felt like hours he could hear his small voice.

"I am sorry. I .......I don't know......I.....forgive me Willium. I beg for redemption....... it was me who killed pur family. I didnt mean it....i ....abigail was...."

Before he could finish the line silent only small sobs and grains could be heard. Just as Will sat there empty and defeated.

Would he forgive hannibal. Was it all a small misunderstanding between the couple. They had planned for hannibal to leave early. The only lie Will said was the death of Freedie Lounds.

To be honest Will had his doubts before .
He wondered if he really wanted to run away with hannibal.

But all his doubts were vanished when hannibal had cradled his injured hands.

When they had stood silently infront of the fireplace burning the files.

When he looked deep into hannibals marron eyes he knew his faith and desire looked right back at him.

But little did he knew the nightvwhen he had given his heart to hannibal was the night when doubt and betrayal had filled hannibals heart.

"I let you see me . ......know me."

"I wanted to suprise you.....but uou wanted to suprise me instead.

"I forgive you will......Will you forgive me.?"

The picture of the broken heart illuminated in his eyes. The beauty and grace . The begging for forgiveness for the family they could have had.

Will sat there. The moonlight lit beautiful.  He took his time to form the words in his mouth which he knew was already on his heart .

Behind him the door opened and footstep was heard. He knew what he said would resonate in the house but he wanted all to hear it ,to know it. To feel it.

"I forgive you" Will whispered as hannibal stooped whimpering.

"I forgive you." Will said now his own tears flowing as a small sob whimper  was also hear from behind him.


Will was snapped out of his memories when Alana Bloom entered. His  fear for her safety melted as he started to get the pieces together

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I'm Mason Verger's psychiatrist." Alana said softly

"That is the part of his therapy or yours?" Willscoffed with suspicion

"Jack is on his way." She said as if to give him comfort.

"You helped Mason Verger find us."

"I helped Mason find Hannibal......I didn't mean for you to be the bait."

"Almost as ugly as what Mason wants to do to us is the fact that he can do it with the tacit agreement of people sworn to uphold the law." Will sanked

"I can say of Hannibal being tortured,is not necessarily to death.  I'd say he has it coming, wouldn't you?  " she asked."Or maybe you wouldn't. "

Yes he didn't. He never did. Even when hannibals knife plunged into his stomach he never did

"By the time the FBI gets a warrant, you and any evidence of what happened would be burnt or roiling in the bowels of Mason's pigs." Alana said soflty.

"I thought Jack Crawford and the FBI would come to the rescue.  But i doubt if they will arrive in time."

" You have to spill blood.  By your own hand or someone else's." Will said softly as
Cordell entered and took Will in his wheelchair.

Alana watching Cordell wheel Will away. She never wanted this . No she never imagined it would end this way. Not will.......not will.

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