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He missed it . He missed the little moments he had with them.

The memories started with the smell of his Will on the coat he had picked up .

The smell of unstable and sickness had long left his body and was r3placed with a new one. More confidence and darker.
He missed it.

Hannibal didn't know what caused him to come back to the coat he had carefully stored inside his closet.

Bedelia who was seated in the corner watched him carefully.
Hannibal was certain she would gloat and but surprisingly she was the most calmest he had ever seen.

"Grieving for the ones you have lost is a perfectly normal emotion for a human being hannibal. You don't have to hide it away." She whispered. Her faded blond hair hung over her face.

"I donot grieve Bedelia. Not for Will Graham or Abigail. " hannibal lied feeling stupid as he clutched the coat tighter.

"And still you hold on to his belongings.
Tell me hannibal was it the same for your sister too?"

Hannibal let out a growl of anger.
He didn't need to reminded of all the loved one he lost. His sister was a old wound which still ached his heart .
He couldn't save her.

But he chose not to save the family he could have had. He walked away from them as he let them bleed.

His foolishness and pride had clouded his judgement.

And now he had lost everything he had ever made up. But still his pride wouldn't let him admit to his sins.

"Misha was my sister I do grieve for her.
Will Graham is not. He knows what he did. His betrayal led to his downfall. "
Hannibl said as each word tasted of vile poison on his mouth.

"So if you don't care for Mr Graham why do you send him your token of art?" She asked bringing out the newspaper with the recent murder.

The body was surrounded with blood pooling beneath it.

It was hollowed out and carved. The heart was missing. In its place it was graced with Honeysuckle and Cyclamen with shades of red and pink .

The white petals of Honeysuckle was decorated with red speaks of blood.

"Intresting choices of flowers hannibal. " Bedelia whispered looking at the flowers.

"Cyclamen associated with death and mourning a symbol of remembrance.
Honeysuckle has sense of nostalgia and longing to it, evoking memories of lost loved ones and past experiences and devotion to express deep feelings of love and commitment. " She said now sounding a bit amused as hannjbal cursed her for her wits.

"Do you beleive Will Graham has seen it yet ? Do you beleive he knows what you try to express."

Hannibal knew ,he believed that Will would know what he is showing him.
He knows his cunning boy would understand.

"Why do you do it hannibal? Do you beleive he would come back for you?
A faithful dog running back to bite his owner who abandoned him." Bedelia snapped causing him to flinch in the dark.
"He is not returning back to you."

Hannibal remained silent for a while.
"Is it because I am older?" He asked clearly drunk out of his mind.

Bedelia stared at him beofre letting out a sight of exasperation.

"Yes hannibal. Its cause your older there cant be any other logical obvious explanation." She said clearly not wanting to engage in the conversation

She quitely exited the room leaving hannibal in the dark again.

It had been six months since Wills recovery. Six months since he had moved on.

"I thought he would come back for me."
Hannibal confessed to no one.

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