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The Verger Mason looms darkly.

Alana Bloom stands behind Margot Verger.
Her beautiful Brunette hair cut shortly as she holds her beloved on her arms.

"The sun is setting quickly,winter has arrived." Margot said soflty.

"I know my love. But we have each other for warmth. " Alana reassured.

"I hate it. Why won't he let the devil rest." Refering to her hedious brother.
"Why can't we run away together."

"Beacause it's not our time yet. Soon we shall my love." Alana said kissing her brown hair .


"Antonio is dead." Mason stated as Alana joined him with Margot.

"What did you expect?" She asked. "You think you could fool him with a look alike."

"It's getting exhausting."He said. "I am getting impatient with this stuff.i want hannibal branded and in my farm."

"Well you can't. He is the devil. Devil is noones pet." Margot said from her place.

"No I can't lure him on his own. But even devil had his soft spot. A unstable soft spot to be exact." He said wickedly.

"What are you impling Mason."Alana asked carefully not looking the implications.

"The only person who survived the Warth of the Devil will lure him to my traps. His face would look good on me .....don't uou think Margot."

Margot froze beside Alana as she frowned.

Will didn't deserve this.

He didn't deserve this hell. To be pushed from the hands of one devil to another.

No.....no......After all he went through.....he had just started to get his life together. Gathered the pieces and moved.

No.......she had to do something.


The night was silent as the house in Wolftrap is filled with temporary peace.

Will Graham woke up with a start,surrounded by his dogs. His dogs were agitated with something.

Will frowned and hated himself as his heart beat erradicated.

'Hannibal?' He hated himself for having such foolish hope. For still hoping and longing for him.

He silently took out his gun and ascended downstairs.

He trained his gun out as he got used to the darkness. Thank god his dogs were locked in his room.

"Hello Mr Graham." The voice starled him.

"Who the hell are you." He snarled.

"Just some one who has brought his friendly regard from Mr Mason.
" the man said as he grinned.

"Yea well tell him I don't have any nose to feed him." Will snarled.

"Tututu Mr Graham. We only need you for some time. Your the lamb."

Will frowns

" a lamb for the devil himself."

"Stay away from Hnnibal you son of a bitch." Will snapped

"My my still have a soft spot for the devil I see. Your thw perfect candidate.
Good night Mr Graham " the man whispered as Will felt a sharp shock on his neck.

A tranquilliser sticked out of his neck as Will felt himself go blurred.

He fell to the ground desperately trying to maintain conciousness.  Hoping he could make it to the phone to call him. Warn him .

A sharp thud from upstairs snapped his attention.

"What's that ?" One of the man asked.

'No no no please no. Don'tDon't. ' Will prayed just as a whine came from upstairs.

"Stupud dog and mutts. Leave it. We need to head back." The man said as Will lost conciousness.


Bedelia was sitting down looking out the window when thw phone rang.

The number familiar. Called back so soon Will?

Bedelia wondered amused.

"Hello " She said expecting Wills rough voice.

"Will Graham has been kidnapped by Mason Verge. Save him please." The voice which greeted was a soft women voice.

Bedelia kept the receiver down.

'Oh .......shit.' 

She slowly approached the closed door of hannibals bed room.

The man had been drink and depressed for weeks.......after he had come back from a quick visit in his other property.

He had not returned for days and when she saw him all she saw was a pale dehydrated and dirty man with a red suitcase instead of the proud asshole she had known.

Bedelia slowly opened the door.

Hannibal was extremely thin and surrounded by his thick blankets which made him smaller.

His blond silver hair a mess. His face thin hollow and pale. His eyes closed as if he was sleeping.

Bedelia seriously didn't want  to be the one doing this.

No one in theri sane mind would jeep theri hand on the mouth of lion.

She thought carefully.  How to approach this without being bitten.

Finally she approached closet to the bed.

In a soft voice she whispered.

"Will Graham is in danger."

And instantly his eyes snapped open. His marron eyes filled with anger and determination.

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