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"I broke all your bone. Fractured them dynamically. I skinned you. Bended you
Twisted you.....and trimmed you." Will whispered as he stood in front of the skinned body.

Will slowly extended his hand and touched it. The wet muscle and blood on his hands.

"This is my design," He said. "A valentine written on a broken heart."
The body shaped in a heart.

Suddenly, the heart deranged itself self slowly as Will stumbled back. It rose into its full body.
Head missing and in its place rose two anthlers

Will stumbled backwards and was snapped out of his trance. Now he was on the floor of his house , the light went out  His dogs surrounded him as he clutched the photo of the crime scene.

"Daddy." She whispered as Will looked back at her.

Abiagil stood there pale in the darkness

"...do you feel closer to hannibal.?"Will let of a shaky question. "God, I don't know where I would be without him."

'Do you ever feel abandoned? Will' hannibalnhad asked him
'Abandonment requires expectation ' Will had gloated.

"He.....he left us his ......broken heart," Will whispered tossing the picture on the floor beside him

"He still cares about us." Abigail whispered.

"He left us to die." Will stated coldly

There was silence before Will turned back to Abaigil.

Only greeted by silence and empty room.

Will sighed out as tears formed on his eyes.
"This was the only place I could make for you."

The phone rang out for a few times before Bedelia got annoyed enough to get up and answer.

"Hello." She said

"Hello, Bedelia." The familiar voice rang out.
She smiled."Hello, Will Graham."

"Poor Dr Bedelia .Swalloed whole suffering insde Hannibak Lecters bowles for what must seem like an eternity. You haven't lost yourself bedeial You just crawled so up into his ass that your couldn't be bothered ." Will snarled as Bedelia got more amused.

"Bluebeard,  wife. Secreat your not to know but swore to kee, p" He said

"We have both been his bride. If i were to be the blue beard's wife.....i would have preder to be the last...which we know I won't be  ." Bedelia pointed out

"How did you manage to walk awaywithoutt sacrs.....I am covered in scar.s" He laughed ou.  "I wasn't wearing an adequate armour. "

"No.....you were naked." She whispered back." Have you called him yet? Or did I disrupted the connection........you never learn. You keep coming back to him."

"I was always behind the veil with him....you were always on the other side." Bedelia said plunging the knife deeply.

"You play....you pay." Will whispered.

"You have paid dearly. With a life of your surrogate daughter."

Will looked up. The moonlight shone into his little living room. The hunter rifel on the tabel seemed to be his calling and it would be hers.

He preferred to fish but he knew killing a monster would require more than a lure.

"Tell me Willium. Does Jack Crawford know how intimate you're with Hannibal."

'Beacuse ....I wanted to run away with him.' 
He had told Jack just week after their  confrontation.

"Yes to some degree." Will whispered as he had saw Jack's eyes widened with shock.

"Is......is hannibal in love with me?"
Will whispered.

"Foes he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you?" Bedelia asked her vision filled with Hannibal who was now all thin and barely leaved his room.

"Yes" She answered herself.

"But do you ache for him?" She asked into the receiver.

Will sat there in silence. The phone still on his hands.

Yes. He wasn't ashamed to commit to the fact that he did ache for him. The mark he left on his . The brand on his stomach prevented him from it. But I the darkest time of the night he knew only one word left his mouth and one face illuminated in his eyes.


"It was nice talking to you Bedelia. If I were you I would be careful. "

Bedelia snickered. "I am alive because of my carefulness Will Graham. Hope I can hear from you soon. It's a bit lonely here." She said and she wasn't lying her only companion was Hannibal but now the man had shut himself inside his room.

Will kept the phone down. And stared at it. Bedelias words still resonating in his ears.

'There was a place made for you and Abigail. A place made for all three of us.
Together.' Hannibals voice taunted him

"You were betrayed,  but still you run towards him  Ach for him . I guess I will never learn." He whispered to himself .

Laughing hysterically, he poured out a glass of whiskey. Raised it as a toast and gloated "here is to Dr Watson and Mr Watson." He said bitterly.

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