Chapter one

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Little Doyoung was crying in the backyard of his house as he bruised his knee while chasing a butterfly.

"Hey what happened? Are you okay?" Another little boy asked but in Japanese, Doyoung understand nothing and kept crying like it wasn't just a scratch but a fracture. The other little boy rush to somewhere and bring his mother to Doyoung, she gasp and pick him up in her arms and walk inside in the house.

"Omo Doyoung-ah where did you get that bruise? Does it hurt so much?" His mother rush to him and saw his bruise.

Little Doyoung nodded while crying so loud, wanted to go to his mother's arm. She pick him and shushed him saying it's nothing but of no use.

The other little kid pout and also tear up seeing Doyoung and walk to him and blow his bruise he wipe doyoung's tears with his hand "Nakanaide kudasai, anata ga naku no o miru to watashitachiha kizutsukimasu, nakanaide kudasai!"

Suddenly Doyoung felt splash of cold water on his face he woke up being panick and saw his father with his done reaction.

"What is this dad? Why you do this always? " Doyoung asked being so whiny in morning.

"Have seen the time? It's 9 am already, I know it's weekend but you promise me to come with me in the office today!" His dad scold him and Doyoung felt guilty.

"Dad I'm so sorry, I really am. I forgot and I sincerely apologise! Just give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready I promise."

His father just shook his head and get out of his room, once Doyoung was alone in his room he remember his dream, he sigh "what the heck? Why did I had dream of him? I was so stupid to cry over that little bruise.. and he is more stupid than me seeing me crying he cried too! Because obviously he wasn't liking the fact I was getting his mother's attention! Huhh"

"don't cry please, it will hurt us seeing you cry, don't cry!"
Doyoung cringed at the line.

But again flinch when he hear loud knock on his door from his dad. "It's been 10 minutes already Kim Doyoung!"

Doyoung jump out of his bed and rush to the bathroom freshing his self.

Doyoung sneakily went to the kitchen and saw no one he sigh in relief and look for some food, but found nothing.

"God... there's nothing to eat..?" He slightly pout and flinch when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"I knew it you're gonna ditch your father" his mother said and pinch his ear making him hiss in pain and it wasn't a teasing one she was actually mad on him and he was actually in pain. She know it's gonna leave a red mark on him but they were so done by their only son.

"Oh Doyoung when will you grow up huh! stop bothering us, you know how much you get us worried because of your silly moves." She said being so done.

"Your father was waiting for you downstairs but you never showed up instead you sneak away from your balcony? How dangerous is that? If you don't wanna go to the office why didn't you say? Why you never choose the easy way? Ahh" She yell on him putting her aggression out of her.

"Mom I'm sorry please calm down! Your blood pressure will get high and you know me and dad won't like this.." Doyoung tried to speak soft, he was just playing around but didn't know they will get this mad on him, and now he felt actually very guilty.

"If you want me to go to the office I'll go... But please calm down..." Doyoung try saying though he don't wanna go there.

"No need! Don't go there! Your father will definitely get mad on you seeing there that too this late."

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