Chapter Sixteen

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"Go away Asahi...!" Granny said without emotions, Asahi look at her.

"Go back to Korea Asahi!" She repeat herself leaving Asahi shocked.

"What... What are you saying granny?"

"I don't believe you... You come without even trying? At least you can ask Doyoung for one chance...? He isn't that bad...?!"

"I'm sorry..." He just looked down crying.

"I don't want to hear any more of this, I just want you to go back and tell Doyoung the truth. Whatever decision he takes, you will tell me. It doesn't even matter if he rejects you now."

"What are you saying? I can't! I know I'm being coward but I don't care. I just can't do this...!"

"Asahi... You're not understanding... How will you move forward if you don't try? Don't you want Doyoung in your life?" Granny asked, Asahi kneeled infront of her and hold her hand.

"To be honest...I don't want Doyoung in my life, I didn't come here to move on from him. I just came here to chill out. I also know this much, I will never be able to forget Doyoung. He will always be a part of my soul. My heart. My mind is always thinking about him."

"Asahi........ You.... How will you live like this?..." She soften and tear up as well.

"When you yourself have to bear the pain, why create a drama by telling it to anyone?" Asahi look at his granny with his blood shot eyes.

"Anyone... Doyoung isn't anyone! He has all right to know that you love. He has to know Asahi-ah."

"Granny... How do I make you understand?!"

"How do you feel when he came infront of you?" Granny asked.

"As soon as he comes in front of me, my heartbeat stops, I don't even know when I see him, my eyes automatically bow down to my heart's content." He shakes his head right and left, slightly panicking. His granny only rubbing his back to comfort him but it's of no use when he blabber his love out for Doyoung.

"I have no desire to get him. Because I don't need him to love me. Believe me granny, I can be happy even by staying away from him." Thick Tears rolling down from his eyes.

"Whenever his eyes water, I can float in them like a unconscious fish. With no complaints at all."

"Let alone two hours, they are nothing! I can wait my whole life for that! His one look of concern is enough for me." He throw his head in granny's lap and cry his heart out.

"I have never seen such love in my life. How can you love him so much for nothing?" Granny said shaking her slightly.

"Because I just love him and don't want anything in return. He will look at me like a friend,... at the most like a childhood friend, and I will look at him with my hungry eyes, with yearning lips, and with a shrinking heart. I can just never.... Never move on from him." He cried and cried in pain just be to be stronger next minute.

"But what you are doing is not right, you will not be able to live like this, today Doyoung has no one, that is why you are getting courage, but a day will come when he will have someone, someone who will love him. Someone he will love. Will you be able to see when your love loves someone else?" Granny said softly trying to knock some sense in Asahi's mind.

"Asahi-ah... He will also fall in love one day, he will also marry, he will also have a family. What will you do then? Even at that time will you look at him with your yearning eyes? Will you watch them with a shrinking heart? Will you have the courage to do that? Tell me Asahi! Tell me!" She said shaking him that looks totally soul-less.

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