Chapter Fifteen

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"Granny what are you doing? I told you not to cook! Why don't you listen to me?!" Asahi scold his granny, who was cooking for her grandson but payed no attention to him.

"Shut up and let me cook for you. You have come after so many months, at least give me a chance to show my love!"

"What kind of chance granny? I know you love me very much, but still you never listen to me."

"I won't listen!" She humped. He giggled.

"Why won't you?"

"My house, my wish!"

"Oh god! Fine! Fine! Fine! But let me help you then."

"Hmm much better!"

It's been like four days since Asahi came to his granny's house in Japan. As soon as he came, he gave all his time to his granny, he did not even want to think about his love.

Granny knows everything, Keiko told her everything. But never asked her grandson, who is avoiding questions that include Doyoung in it.
Granny let it be, not wanting to make things awkward for Asahi. She knew they didn't work out but she don't know that Asahi never tried.

"Doyoung! Dude what's wrong with you?!" Hyunsuk exclaimed as soon as he saw Doyoung sitting in a bar, drinking but not drunk though.

"Huh!!! What?" Doyoung asked clueless, Hyunsuk sitting beside him.

"What have you done to yourself?" Hyunsuk was in disbelief.

"What are you saying Hyung?? I'm not getting-" He about to drink again but Hyunsuk stop by grabbing the glass and putting it away from his reach.

"Doyoung, tell me honestly, what's bothering you this much, that you have became so thin and so careless about yourself. You been drinking too much lately. Stop doing this!" Hyunsuk kind of scold him and Doyoung just hear him, hunging his head low.

"Hyung.... I miss him... Where is he?" Hyunsuk seems kinda clueless but then it clicked again whom he's talking about.

"Hey... If you miss him this much then why don't you talk to him? Why are you behaving like this?" Hyunsuk became soft seeing Doyoung like this.

"You think I never tried? I called him multiple times but he never ever once pick up or called me back, he just text me very shortly. Did I do something wrong? Hyung ask him, why he's being like this?!" Doyoung yell in frustration, he missed Asahi very badly.

"He need time Doyoung... If he want to move on, then he has to avoid you, for both of you goods." Hyunsuk's thought.

"I told him to update about him and granny each day, but If he couldn't each day then he could at least tell me  shortly. I won't mind I just need to hear him..." He said last sentence very lowly but Hyunsuk could hear him clearly as the song suddenly stopped in bar.

Hyunsuk smiled to himself "Doyoung... Why are you like this?" He asked but Doyoung never looked up.

"Doyoung did you ever realise what are you saying? Do you ever realise how you feel towards him?"

"I know... I kinda feel special with him... He's kinda special for me than you all guys... I'm sorry..."

"Yahh there's nothing to be sorry about! I'm just saying that Mashiho is very special for me as well, you know when Yedam and Yoshi got in relationship I was very happy for them, but I never ever once thought that shy guy like mashiho would confess, like... he never said he loved me he just said he feel special towards me and wanted to give it a try."

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