Chapter Three

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"Yahh leave me alone! I will call my dad if you bother again!" Little Doyoung yelled at another kid who was bothering him, but that kid just laugh and keep on throwing sand on him trying to snatch his toy truck.

"Yahh gimme that... I want this!!" The kid yell on little Doyoung.

"No way! It's mine go away!!!" Little Doyoung fight back.

Little Asahi was looking at the scene from behind a tree being scared, he was feeling very bad that he let Doyoung alone, now he's in trouble. He got an idea and carefully pick up his toy truck that looks similar to doyoung's one but more cleaner than Doyoung's because he cares for his things and keep them clean unlike Doyoung, who use it for just an week and throw it away.

Asahi try his best to scream to stop their fight and they did both kids look at Asahi and Asahi showed his toy truck to that kid whose eyes sparkle seeing such cool truck that looks very new to him.

"Here, you can have this! And leave my friend don't ever bother him again!" Asahi said standing infront of Doyoung defending him.

The kid was happy and jumping out of joy and just went away to show it off to his friends.

"Yahh Asahi I was fighting with him, you don't have to do this?" Doyoung said making him turned around.

"But he was hurting you and I can't see that..." Asahi just pout feeling sad that now he don't have his toy truck with.

"Here,... You can have mine! I will share my every toy with you my best friend!" Doyoung said putting his little arm on Asahi's little shoulder, that make them giggle on each other.

Doyoung woke up when he felt so hot in his blanket and sweat on him.

"Ahh why so hot suddenly..?" Doyoung ask to himself and realised he didn't on the airconditioner, he find the remote and on it.

"Not again... Why did I dreamt of him?"

"In what bad times did I call him my best friend? I was so stupid back then!!" He sigh and close his eyes to sleep again but his phone rang.

"What time is it?" He look at the clock that hanging on his front wall and it's 5:35 AM

"Huh whose calling this early?" He look at the caller ID and it's Yedam.


"Hey doy were you sleeping? Yedam asked .

"Hell yeahh..! What is it?"

"Didn't I told you that I'm skipping classes today?"

"Ah yeah you did... But I'm not coming along and that's final!"

"Yahh Doyoung that's not right please please please please please...." Yedam whine and try convincing him.


"Yahh I know nothing now, you're coming along and that's final, bye be ready at 7 I'm picking you up!"

"No... I said no yahh Yedam Yedam please... No" but of no use because Yedam already cut the call and Doyoung tried calling him again and again but Yedam didn't pick it up.

Doyoung sigh and lay down again "He is Yedam's friend or more like ex-friend, so he should go. What will I do going there? My mother is right, we get caught in the affair of a friend. But now that we have made a friendship, we will have to fulfill it."

Hyunsuk can't stop himself but silently chuckle at Doyoung who is sitting at the back seat with sulking face.

"Oh c'mon doy, at the time of need only a friend is useful to a friend. At least I'm so thankful that I can help my friend" San speaks with a little teasing in his voice make everyone laugh at him. But Doyoung just glare at him.

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