Chapter Six

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"You also never told me that you can play the violin?" Asahi randomly asked when they were chilling in the living room.

"I thought you must have heard me playing... Like you used to when I play piano.." Doyoung said munching on his pastry.

"Yeah but never heard you playing violin..!" Asahi said little did Doyoung know he wanted him to play violin.

"I wish I could play violin right now, but I don't have here, and Asahi don't play so obviously he also don't have one." Doyoung thoughts.

Asahi was hoarding up his stuffs in bedroom that were scattered every where, before sleeping. He heard a knock on his door he look at the clock and "10:30.. mom and dad usually sleep this time.... then what happens?" Saying this he open the door and find Doyoung standing.

"Ah yeah... What is it Doyoung?" Doyoung himself found the space to go inside his room and sat on his bed while looking around.

"Nothing I was just bored...!" Asahi also sat on his study chair that was beside Doyoung.

Suddenly Doyoung get up and walk towards the door and look back at Asahi.

"Get up and let's go!.." Doyoung said and rush out leaving Asahi confused.

"Huh..! What happened to him?!" Though he still follow Doyoung.

Asahi know nothing where Doyoung was taking him he just said he wanna walk outside and want company, so tag Asahi along.

Asahi finds him weird but likes it alot the change in his behaviour towards Asahi, he likes it. Like having him beside him. Like sharing things, foods, books and talks. He like every single minute with Doyoung.
And undoubtedly Doyoung also likes it.

"Here we are...!" Doyoung said but Asahi was confused as hell why are they behind doyoung's house.

"But... Why are we here?" Asahi asked.

"You will know but for now follow me but quietly." Doyoung said.

With the help of the drain pipe, both of them climbed into Doyoung's room. Asahi refused, saying that it would be wrong and dangerous but he did not listen even once and asked him to climb up.

"Okay.... But now will you tell? Why are we here?" Asahi asked again huffing.

Doyoung chuckled and nod " Yes, wait here!" He said and went to somewhere, while he was gone Asahi grab a glass and drink some water from the jug.

In just few minutes doyoung again showed up, Asahi smile and his eyes sparkle seeing him with violin.

"You..." Asahi was speechless.

"Ahh yeah, I really felt like playing the violin so suddenly, I hope you won't mind!" Doyoung said scratching his nape.

Sitting on the floor of doyoung's bedroom, Asahi was so excited to hear him playing violin.

"I just hope my parents won't woke up listening me." Doyoung said.

"But they are downstairs right?" Asahi asked.

" Yeah but still... You know...!"

Doyoung was playing on the violin, while Asahi was listening him like it's the most angelic music to him, it was very classic, melodious, calming and soothing to him.

He doesn't know whether the tune or the musician is better.

"So.. how do you like it?" Doyoung asked putting the violin on its place.

" To be honest I never want you to stop." Asahi said chuckling and Doyoung also laugh a bit.

"Was I that good?" Doyoung asked wanting more praising from Asahi.

"Yes, you were awesome. Do you know? If you play that violin alone in the festival, you can win the festival yourself." Asahi suggest exitedly.

"Haha thanks though but no, I prefer group over solo, and plus they will kill me if I stand against them."

"Huh.. no I am not telling you stand against them, all I want is you can win the festival with out group."

"Thanks Asahi, but no... I can't without my friends." Doyoung said.

Everything is going nice and smooth Doyoung and Asahi are getting along with each seeing that make their mothers lots of happy.

"See I told ya... doyoung will improve only by staying away from us." Dong said while sipping on his tea.

"It is true and you will be more happy to know that he is very happy at our house." Keita said.

Asahi's parents are at Doyoung's house having some time together in evening.

"You know I see hope.... Do you too?" Dahye asked Keiko while they were sitting in the dinning table together while the males were outside in the yard.

"Hopes?... I see future.... The whole future of them being together hahaha." Keiko said which made dahye chuckle as well.

"Well, the truth is... I always had this fear... I thought my husband would never adopt our child. But now I feel so happy that I can't even explain. It feels like we have a connection from a long time ago. The way our family met, the way we both have similar children, yes I admit there was some bickering but now everything is fine, isn't it?" Dahye said being little emotional.

"We both are women and I know very well that whatever happened to you, happened to me too. Well, leave it all, that was old stuff, think about it now." Keiko said

"You are right, but what should I think about now?" Dahye asked.

"That is, who among our sons will make the first move?" Keiko suggest.

"First move?... Well As far as I know, only my son will make the first move because whatever is in his heart is on his mouth." Dahye is confident about her son's personality.

"Hmmmm I see the confidence but.. I agree that my son doesn't speak much but he doesn't hide anything either." Keiko speak.

They both chuckle at each other, thier conversatiom make them feel childish.

"But Keiko.. Have you ever wondered whether they ever felt what we are talking about for each other?" Dahye said kind of being serious.

"Oh yeah... I never thought of this. What if they are not meant for each other?..." Keiko said

"Then it is what is it!" Dahye said assuring her.

"I dream of them being together, I want them to be made for each other. I want both of them to love each other very much like I do with Keita, like you do with Dong." Keiko said stressing herself.

"No Keiko Whatever happens, it will be for the good, you don't need to worry about it. Whatever we want is good for our children, and whatever God gives us will be better." Dahye again assure her.

"I wish mine and her sons will be made for each other." Dahye's thought.


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