Chapter Seventeen

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There is so many beautiful reasons to be happy.
Like family and friends, even though Doyoung was dumb in past for not catching on his feelings early and man up about it.

But his friends and parents were there for him, he couldn't be more thankful to his mother for making him understand his own feelings for his best friend.

Doyoung's friends make fun of him but never leave him alone. They were at least happy, none's heart was breaking. But still Asahi suffered a lot.

"Goshh I'm so tired already!" Doyoung huffed, plopping himself on his office couch.

"Mister Kim Now is not the time to get tired, there is still a lot of work to do." His secretary speak.

He sigh heavily "I know mister Jun, can you give me a minute I have to call someone!"

"Oh sure you can! You have half an hour, I'll be right back!" He said and left from his office room.

After a minute of staring at the ceiling he pull out his phone and dialed Asahi's number. Hoping he would answer this time, but inside he has loose all the hopes.

"Hello...!" Damn! He heard his voice. After for like half of months he haven't seen him or heard his voice.

And now he knows about his feeling he was way too surprised, now that Asahi is talking, Doyoung doesn't know how to react.

"I-uhh hello... Asahi.."

"Huh yes... Doyoung... How are you?" Asahi sound extremely soft and it made doyoung's heart weak.

"I'm okay... How about you?"

"I'm okay too..." Asahi smiled softly but Doyoung couldn't see, he was only weird.

"And- and how about granny? How is she?"

"She is also fine. She was constantly asking about you, but I was kinda busy and plus my phone also lagging that's why I couldn't called you.... I'm sorry"

Doyoung fully melt at that. At least he do think about him.

"No it's fine. I hope you're doing good there?..."

"Yeah I'm it's just... I miss you- I- I mean I miss all of you guys and my parents too!! You know..!" Asahi mentally curse at himself when he heard doyoung's chuckled.

"Asahi.... I miss you too. I only miss you." Doyoung said sincerely and Asahi blushed but how bad is that Doyoung can't see any of that expression, that's why Asahi was silently squealing here and there in his room.

"What is it Doyoungie? You looked so happy and energetic today!" Dahye asked her son, who was humming and helping his mother in kitchen.

"Oh I- I forget to tell you! I talk to Asahi today." He said and his mother look at him with happy yet surprised face.

"Waohh did he? But he didn't talked to Keiko?! And he talked to you!" Doyoung shrugged.

"I don't know he sound fine and even wanted to talk more but I had meeting and I didn't called back yet."

"Oh you should talk to him after dinner then!" She said and again went back to preparing salad.

"I hope he pick up again like he did at morning!"

"Ofcourse he will. But doyoungie..."

"Ahh yes...?"

"How long will it continue like this? When will you confess to him?" She asked.

"I don't really know... Maybe I should wait for him to arrive? Or should I go to Japan? But you guys won't be there, and when I propose him, I want all my people to be present at that place."

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