Chapter Eleven

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"Yahh everyone let's give it a shot to start our adult life from now on." Hyunsuk said and kind of everyone yelled in excitement to click the whiskey shot.

Their University days are ended, they are no longer students. From tomorrow they will start their life, working life. Like a boss in their own business now.
So now they are in a club enjoying their night together because they gonna be busy in adults life from tomorrow on.

"Ahh I can't believe from now on we have nothing to do, yet we have so much to do." Mashiho said.

"Ahh I'm stressed already. My father ain't gonna leave me alone, do this and do that. You're all adult now, there's no space to breath. Just work and work." Everyone laugh at Doyoung who's drunk already. He has the lowest tolerance of alcohol but still drank and not end up being drunk. Asahi just shake his head, sitting, seeing him from far.

"Anyways I'm gonna enjoy my night and got wasted just like Doyoungie." San said and gave it a shot to himself.

"Doyoung.. be careful!" Asahi said in worry as he saw Doyoung stumbling here and there. He was helping Mashiho and Yedam but can't keep away his eyes from Doyoung, who was struggling alone to walk on his legs.

Only leaving Asahi and Yoshi, all their friends are drunk and stumbling here and there. They are tired already from collecting their friends, when they are alot and there's only two sober guys.

Two sober guys were having a second hand embarrassment when Junghwan and Jeongwoo climb up to the dance floor and dancing like idiots there. Their eyes were about to pop out, when out of blue they started kissing each other hungrily.

Sober boys pulled them down but got even more frustrated when Wooyoung was sitting in San's lap, kissing him.

They saved them too but Yedam wasn't helping at all, when he picked up left over whiskey and splash it on Doyoung and Hyunsuk's face who were dozing off.

Mashiho is the cutest drunk guy they have ever seen. He was just sitting, hanging his head low and giggling over the little things.

Anyhow Yoshi and Asahi gather all their friends and bring them together in Yedam's apartment.

Most of them were sleeping in the middle of the way and it more hard for two guys to bring them in the 7th floor.

Watch man help them, carrying his friends up.

"Aishh that was hard...!" Yoshi exclaimed laying in the couch and Asahi chuckled.

"Yeah I know right, but wasn't it's your boyfriend's idea?"

"Hell yeah.." Yoshi rolled his eyes "He said we would enjoy night at home later but look at him, he's all wasted now." They both chuckled.

"I'll go and check on him now..." Yoshi said and getting up but then turned to Asahi again.

"Asahi...? Where's Doyoung?" Yoshi asked Asahi.

"I made him laid in the guest room with Hyunsuk and Junghwan. Why?"

"No nothing, I'll check up on them first."

"Why though?"

"They would be uncomfortable, I'll loosened their clothes." Yoshi said.

"Oh no why would you! It's okay I'll do it. You go to Yedam." Asahi said already on his way to the guest room.

"Ah oh okay then."

Asahi opened the door slowly, not wanting to make any noise that would disturbed three guys sleep.

He looked at them and smiled softly, Hyunsuk on the right side sleeping like a curled baby, Junghwan in middle taking most of the space in bed, and Doyoung in the left is near to fell from the bed.

Asahi walked near to doyoung's side and look at him from closer just to see him sleeping soundless, unaware of his own position.

"He must be uncomfortable.." Asahi whispered talked to himself.

With his very slow and steady actions, Asahi successfully take of Doyoung's leather jacket, take off his ear piercing and his chain as well.

Asahi take off his jeans belt, socks and shoes as well.

In this, he forget there's two more guy he had to help, but he couldn't take off his eyes from doyoung's face.

"You're someone I would never want to go away from." He softly whispered.

He slowly take Doyoung's hand in his palm and softly stroke it "Whatever is happening to me, is not right at all! But this is something I can't control at all." He felt tear appearing in his eyes and soon a tear left from his eyes. His pursed his lips.

"I- I always wanna say this to you, but I know how weak and coward I'm. I can't straightly tell you this on your face, looking in your eyes... That... How much... How much... I love you..." He sobbed but controlling his best not to wake any of them up.

"I know this is wrong! I shouldn't have feelings for my friend, of my parent's friend's son. But trust me... This is not my fault... It was not in my hand. It just happened. I don't even know... How?... When?.... It just happened." Tears rolling down his eyes, quitely sobbing, holding Doyoung's hands tightly.

"Good morning guys~" Mashiho exclaimed, though he was drunk but got up quickly and even prepared breakfast with Yoshi and Asahi.

"Oh good morning babe~ did you sleep well?" Hyunsuk asked hugging Mashiho.

"Guys why does my lips sting so bad? It felt like I bite it harshly but I can't remember such time...!?" Jeongwoo asked sitting in the couch, with his bed hair and confused face.

Yoshi and Asahi exchange the looks, because they know very well why.

"Why didn't you stopped me Yoshi yah?" Yedam asked back hugging Yoshi.

"I tried okay, but you never listened. So I just let you be, and beside that we can spend our time, anytime. I'm not going anywhere." He said ruffling his hair and they both chuckled.

Junghwan also come out from the guest room and asked the same question that Jeongwoo asked and they all end up laughing, cause poor babies still don't know why thier lips still sting.

Other than that, Asahi's eyes were only looking for Doyoung, who still didn't came out of the guest room.

Everyone was busy in thier couple things, so Asahi walk to the room and thought to check on him.

He step inside and found Doyoung still laying there, with his abdomen side on mattress. He chuckled and sat beside him.

"Doyoungie.... Get up... It's 9:30 already." Asahi said and was about to shake him but stopped in middle.

"I shouldn't... Let's just, let him sleep." Asahi thought and was about to get up but Doyoung held his hand.

"Huh... Doyoung?"

"Hmm don't call me that.." Doyoung said in his morning voice that made goosebumps in Asahi's body but confused at that Doyoung said.


Doyoung turned his face to Asahi but eyes still closed "Don't call me that!"

"What did I called you?"

"You just.. called me by my name..!"

"So? What should I call you then? Sleepy head? Haha!"

Doyoung unconsciously smile hearing Asahi's little giggle, he turned his head towards him, eyes closed but smiled widely.

"I'm happy..!" Doyoung mumbled but Asahi heard.

"Hmm may I know the reason?"

"I saw a very good dream.." Doyoung tell him mumbling, still feeling sleepy.

"What make you so happy about it?..."

"It was you in it..." Doyoung speak even way lighter but Asahi could hear him well.
And it made his eyes widened, he can't believe what he said.

"Me? In his dream? Must be his illusion..?" Asahi thought.

"You confessed me your feelings Asahi." Doyoung mumbled again, eyes closed.

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