Chapter Twelve

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It's weird. It was hella weird and awkward for Asahi to face Doyoung now. Though he loved him but he never wanted to confess his feelings to Doyoung.

When he said he saw Asahi confessing his feelings to Doyoung in Doyoung's dream, he was way too obvious but Doyoung was too sleepy to notice that.

Asahi left from there without saying anything to his friends and now it's been 4 days, he ain't picking up doyoung's call. Talking to only his friends but not going any longer.

And unluckily Doyoung doesn't have that much time to go to his home to check up on him.

He's getting frustrated day by day. He couldn't meet up his friends. He couldn't take out some time for Asahi at least.

He felt bad but couldn't help it, his dad is very serious about work. Doyoung tend to learn the skills and be just like his dad. He wanted to be a great son now.
But there's always something missing.

"My son! You're doing great job." Mister Dong said patting his doyoung's back being proud of his son.

"You got alot of improvement already. I'm very surprised Doyoung." He said again and Doyoung smiled widely feeling relieved and proud of his self as well.

"Thank you so much dad! If you had not taught me, how would I have been able to learn all this and become capable of this."

"So much improvement in you in a week.. I am very happy to see Doyoung." Now it was Asahi's dad, Keiji.

"Uncle... Too good to see you. How have you been?" Doyoung get up from his office couch and hand shake to him.

"I have been great Doyoung. You tell... Now you have the whole company in your hand, I'm so proud of you."

Doyoung smiled widely looking down, his dad patted his back being a little more proud now.

"Thanks uncle! Where's Asahi by the way? I called him many times but he never pick up my call..!?"

Keiji hesitate a little before saying "About that you have to come for dinner tonight. Even I'm here for inviting you guys for dinner at my place. Like we used to... Will you guys come."

"Sure! I would love to." He said a little too loud. 

"Hey Doyoung I didn't see you coming inside... And what's with your room?" Doyoung's mother Dahye speak entering in his room.

"Oh I'm just.. preparing for tonight's dinner." He said and went back to dig in his wardrobe tto get a suitable and dashing suit to wear for Asahi's dinner.

His mother control her laugh and shakes her head "It's just a dinner... Like we used to in past. Why are you preparing so much? You never done this? Have you?!" She asked kinda teasing but he didn't catch that and collecting all clothes that he reject, throwing them.

Doyoung stopped at what he was doing and realise. That's right! It's just an dinner like they always used to... Then why is he so excited to go this time?

Maybe it's been so long both family gonna meet? Maybe he's gonna meet Asahi... But as best friends this time? Or maybe he just missed those old time...

"I... It's because the way uncle said... It felt like they have something special. So yeah...." He said shrugging but kept on looking here and there while randomly picking a suit and went to washroom.

"I feel sad for you.... But I can't do anything... You're such a coward Doyoung." Dahye whispered to herself and sigh heavily, left the room.

"Oh my god Doyoungie~ It's been so long to see you.. omo look at yourself, so buffed huhh" Amaya, Asahi's elder sister embrace Doyoung happily, which he also gladly accept. But his eyes was finding someone else though.

"Hello aunty Keiko... Looking so beautiful.." Keiko giggled happily while playfully hitting his arm.

"And Doyoung is the most handsome." She complemented back.

"So.. what's in the dinner... I'm so hungry.."

"Come sit first and relax we will have dinner but just sweet have to get ready! It will take only 15 minutes." Keiko tell them and signal them to sat on sofa in the living room.

"Umm aunty... Where's Asahi?"

At this all the family members turn their head to Doyoung, who flinch at the attention he just got.

Keiko laugh awkwardly "haha dear he's in the kitchen... He's the one who's preparing sweets for tonight."

"Aww he's such a hard working boy." Dahye said.

"I'll just go and greet him there then..."


Doyoung again flinch at the sudden loud rejection from all the family members.

"Why?... What's wrong?...."

"Asahi doesn't like it when someone talk to him while he's cooking..." She hesitated but gave an excuse.

Doyoung raised an eyebrow. He knows nothing is like that. Even Asahi loves it when someone compliment his cooking skill. Hs knows it because back in their Uni time Asahi used to cook for both of them and they even ate together talking while still in kitchen.

"Are you guys hiding something from me?" Doyoung just ask straightly without thinking anything and he is kinda sure when he saw Keiko and dahye's panic face.

"No Doyoung... What are you saying? There's nothing like that... If you want to meet Asahi you can.. it's okay mom they are friends. Asahi won't get mad." Amaya was quick to help both mothers and led him to the kitchen and left.

Doyoung tilted his head "There's definitely something wrong.. but what? And why?" Doyoung thought to himself but stopped his steps when he saw Asahi.

Doyoung feel nervous, it felt like he's seeing someone who is gonna scold him badly for no reason.

Asahi was busy, preparing sweet indeed as his mother told Doyoung.

He step forward to let Asahi knows his presence but he's way too busy to gave a sweet it's round shape, so he again step forward but this time loudly.

"Mom..." Asahi speak while turning around but shocked to see him.

"D- Doyoung...?" Doyoung smiled awkwardly.

"Hi Asahi."

Doyoung leaned back to the counter and looked down and Asahi was panicking inside but he wanted to stay strong.

Asahi is the one to aske his parents for this dinner but he wanted to face Doyoung by himself. But he showed up so suddenly he don't know how to react now.

"How are you Asahi?"

"I- I.." He stuttered, Doyoung look up to him confused.

"Are you okay?"

Once Asahi knows his gaze was on him, he nodded.

"I'm glad... It's been a while right?.." Asahi nodded again.

"What are you making in sweets by the way?" Doyoung asked stepping towards him and Asahi already having panic attacks. Doyoung stand behind him, in a distance but Asahi could smell his scent. Even though the whole kitchen is full of delicious dishes smell, nothing can beat doyoung's natural scent.

"Oh I know this... Ahhh what was it? Tch- ah yeah Wagasahi!!" Doyoung exclaimed and Asahi suddenly chuckled shaking his head turning to him.

"Not Wagasahi.. it's Wagashi." Asahi correct him. But then realised how close he was standing to Doyoung, but he didn't realised. Asahi was staring up at him. While Doyoung was mesmerizing the sweets.

"Waohh you did a great job. You make them look so pretty." Doyoung's breath touches Asahi's face, that made him close his eyes.

"He's always been like this... It always make my heart weak." Asahi thought.

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