Chapter Two

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Although today is Sunday everyone is at their home but today Asahi's parents called doyoung's parents to their house to have dinner together because their older daughter Amaya was moving in another city Daegu next morning.

"That's Lotte department store there, that is very very huge and I'm so excited to move in there with my Korean friends and you know... The culture and the weather is always the best there not too cold not too hot just perfect!" Amaya was talking with her mother Keiko and Dahye in the kitchen while helping and was excited to be in Daegu for the very first time.

While the father's were outside having a little wine infront of swimming pool while a talking a little about their past.

"Haa Even today I remember those days, how you helped me, even though I was so poor, you never lost your trust in me." Keiji speaks being emotional out of no where making Dong, doyoung's father chuckle at him.

"No doubt why Keiko never let you drink, though it's just wine but you still seems to lost it haha"

"No but seriously I'm damn serious I'm so thankful of you, you put your trust on me with your company and I promise I will never let you down!"

Dong was just confuse he weirdly look at him and just nod.

"Here's the washroom, and here's the towel, here's the light button." Asahi told doyoung who wanted to use the washroom.

"Asahi... Stop it okay... I've been here before, I know it all.." doyoung said and Asahi chuckled nervously.

"I know I'm sorry I just thought-" Asahi shut his mouth when he saw how doyoung just ignored him and went straight to washroom.

Sighing Doyoung sat on washroom counter pulling his phone out of his jeans and start to scroll through his screen.

"Ahh I never wanted to come here... This is so boring!"

Doyoung remember how his mother forced him to come here even though he told her he wanted to do his homework which was supposed to be submitted tomorrow Monday but she wasn't convinced. As she know it was all the lie.

He wanted to tell so bad he do not care what Asahi's family will think about but he was scared of his mother And maybe he would have said it if Asahi's mother was not standing there. all he just wanted to be left alone but no, she ain't gonna let him.

When he was pissing his mood off more while thinking what recently happened, his phone chirped indicating he got a new messages.

He look at the ID and smile while reading the text

"Yah Kim Doyoung where the hell are you? Why are you not picking up my calls and replying me?"

Doyoung read the message and thought to just make a call right now.

"Hey Yedam... What's up man! I'm sorry I was kinda busy and my mood was just off since morning"

"Oh- but why?" Yedam asked while drinking on some juices, relaxing on his bed.

"Nothing but the same daily drama, the same daily taunts, the same daily cursing, I am tired of all this, I feel bad, I feel bad that my own parents tell me to being like that Asahi, learn from him... Fucking bullshit!"

Doyoung let out his frustration infront of one and only best friend, he do had lots of friends but like Yedam there's no one like him. Yedam also put Doyoung first in whatever he do he is like his twin brother, they both admire each other alot.

"Oh damn... I told you to leave them and stay with me in my apartment, I am also living here alone, there is no one to disturb, no one to interrupt for anything. Just live your life fully!"

"Yah Yedam you know that very well even if I want to I can't because you know how strict my parents are. They won't let me and even if they, they would also send Asahi with me. And I couldn't tolerate that."

'' Why though? You guys don't even study together."

"I know but that goody boy would say yes And then he will say "anything for you misses Kim no matter how far away my college is, I will not leave Doyoung alone."

"Bro what?" Yedam laughed so hard on the voice Doyoung was making trying to mock Asahi's voice.

"You sounded broke for real lol!" Yedam again laughed that make doyoung's laugh too, while talking further he thought to get out of the washroom as it was hot and suffocating for him, he went straight in the balcony.

"By the way doyoung I need to tell you something,that I'm not going to attend classes tomorrow.."

"Huh but why?"

"Since this morning I am also in a bad mood, do you know what happened today? Today that ex friend of my old school came to my house and created a scene. Thankfully the owner did not throw me out of the house. Because totally it was his fault! Out of no where he came and pick on me!"

"Oh my god!! What's his name?"


"Ahh so you're scared he might be came in our college and will make scene there too!?" Doyoung carefully asked.

"Fuck no!! You see now what a spectacle I create by going to his college, today he has broken the window of my house, tomorrow I will take away all his friends Tomorrow I will go to his place and instigate his people so much that they will all turn against him."

"Broo bro please calm down broo... I think you just need some rest and you will be fine.. look I have an idea you live in an building right? So where you live there must be cctv cameras right? That CCTV must have captured what Kevin did. So took it out asking your watchman or maybe the owner..? Show it to his parents and university principal.."

"Damn Doyoung... That's a very good idea, But what is it, he has made my blood burn, I will definitely do what you just said, but I will definitely go to his university too. And.... You're coming along, bye!"

With that he cut off the phone leaving Doyoung speechless

"What? No I can't, my mom will definitely kill me!!!"

He said but then realize Yedam already cut the call, he sigh and just thought to talk about it in the morning to him.

Even if doyoung thinks about skipping classes tomorrow, his mother will be very angry with him. It was so easy for Yedam as he leave far from his parents but Doyoung can't think about leaving them. Plus they are also very overprotective towards their only child.

As doyoung was mesmerizing the view from balcony he saw Asahi preparing the table in garden for dinner.

"Are we getting barbeque tonight?" He whisper to himself.

He saw how Asahi was struggling with fire as the wind wasn't helping at all it make him coughs alot and there were no one to help him but helping him didn't cross this idea in Doyoung's mind.

"Huhh! I hope that fire eat him alive!" Doyoung scoff and suddenly Asahi make an eye contact with him, he smile lightly and wave to him.

"Am I in aeroplane or what? Why the heck he's waving at me?" Doyoung just roll his eyes on Asahi and went downstairs.


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