Chapter Nine

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"Just like it used to be."

Dahye's last sentence was stuck on Doyoung's mind.

He wiggled in his bed but couldn't sleep properly, it's already midnight but there's no glimpse of him sleeping any time soon.

So he get up and choose to walk in the living room, as he just opened his door he found Asahi there. They both got shocked seeing each other. After like 3 to 4 months of not talking and seeing each other, they suddenly came infront.
But the question is why Asahi standing infront of Doyoung's door?

"Asahi.." Doyoung lowly called his name and Asahi looked away.

"I- uhh..." Asahi stuttered.

"What are you doing here Asahi?" Doyoung asked again.

"I just wanted to see you.." Asahi said in a feeble way, hanging his head low. Doyoung facial expressions got soft and he put his right hand on Asahi's left shoulder.

"Are you okay Asahi?" Doyoung asked in a very soft tone that made Asahi to tear up hut he had made up his mind that he won't cry infront of Doyoung.

"Yeah.. and you? How are you?" Asahi asked still looking down.

"Yeah... Same....... You wanna come in?" Doyoung asked and Asahi nodded slowly.

Doyoung gave Asahi way to get inside the room and he locked the room behind, and sat on the bed as he tap his side, signalling Asahi to take a seat beside him.

Asahi sat there and awkwardness surrounded the room but suddenly Asahi's mind clicked with some questions so he tend to ask them to Doyoung.

"Doyoung.... How did you find me..?" Asahi asked do suddenly that Doyoung had to process what he asked.

"Ahh-- I heard some yelling voices so I curiously followed but then I saw you....." Doyoung said but didn't told him in details as it will make Asahi uncomfortable.

"Why were you looking for me?" Asahi again asked with empty tone and Doyoung scratched his nape not knowing how to answer.

"I don't know why I were looking for you... It's just you have been super close to me. I wanted to see you before we start our performance, I saw you with Kevin and I knew something was wrong. I was messed up after performance when I didn't found you in backstage or even in crowd. You were no where to found..."

"If you had not come looking for me at that time...What could have happened to me? Today I am sitting with you, if anything had happened to me, I would not have been able to even show my face to you... How do I show my face to this world? How do I appear in front of my friends? Everyone hates me..! But trust me, it wasn't my fault...---" Asahi had panic attack, he cried talking his thought and Doyoung also panic seeing the Japanese crying, he kneeled infront of him and hold his hand tightly, trying to make him look at him.

"Shh Asahi.... But whatever you are saying has never happened, so why even think about something that has not happened? I know very well it's not your fault, I am with you always, I will never hate your face. No one will, All of my friends and your friends are with you, will support you, You don't need to fear anyone, we stand with you as your shield." Doyoung tried his best to sound as soft as he can and it helps.
Asahi stopped having panic attack already and just keep on staring Doyoung's eyes, that only held worried and affection towards Japanese.

And he understood that if he had to battle his fear, he needed Doyoung close to him.

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