Chapter Thirteen

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"Waohh Asahi they even taste so sweet and nice." Doyoung said tasting a very small piece of Wagashi that Asahi gave him to tell how it taste.

"You know miss Keiko said you don't like anyone be with you when you're cooking..! I was like why she said that? Because you remember our uni days right? You used to cook here and I used be with you even though I never helped but we were always together." Doyoung said casually feeling himself again with Asahi.

"You remember our old days...." Asahi thought.

"Asahi... Are you okay? Am I making you uncomfortable...?" Doyoung asked seeing how Asahi is avoiding any contact and how he just reply with nod and hum.

Asahi again panic looking here and there, not knowing what to say and how to react. He felt doyoung's hand on his shoulder and closed his eyes from sudden contact.

"Asahi...?" He called him but Asahi didn't turned to him.

Doyoung forced his shoulder to made Asahi turned around and to face, but as soon as he did that they made eyes contact and suddenly Amaya appeared calling Doyoung.

"Hey Doyoung... What you doing?"

"I uhh-"

"Let's go I'll show you the garden... I plant new flowers!" She hurriedly said and held his hand to take him.

"At night?..." All he could ask but Amaya wasn't stopping.

Asahi sigh out of relief "Thanks noona!"
"I can't take this... My heart is so weak for him. I'm so stupid, I can't control my feelings."

"Noona this is so beautiful." He said eyeing the colourful garden at night with the help of torch.

"I know right. It's always so healing. You know Asahi used to tell how much this view helped him, when he was suffering."

They both for a moment went silent, recalling that past where Asahi was about to harrased and how he was bullied most of the time.
Amaya suddenly turned to her right where Doyoung was standing and smiled to him.

"Thanks Doyoung. You were always with him. I'm glad my brother has someone like you who could protect him."

Doyoung smiled warmly at her shaking his head "There's nothing to thanks at all, he protected me alot too."

Amaya again stand straight admiring the garden "Asahi is not strong... He has always been so fragile and soft hearted, he get hurt easily." She chuckled softly and so on Doyoung smiled.

"My brother is innocent. He's like a fragile delicate flower who need to be handled with care. But when that happened.... He is afraid... He's afraid of falling in love... again. He's heart broken."

At that doyoung's eye brow creased "What?" All he could ask.

"You don't know..? Ahh maybe you weren't that close to him that time.."

"What are you talking about noona?"

"I'm talking about his first love! He had his first love in Japan with American guy."

"American guy in Japan?"

"Yeah It was the time when Asahi used to live with granny in start. The guy was there for a vacation where Asahi met him and fall for that guy. But he wasn't nice at all. He took him for granted. He played with him while Asahi was sincere with him."

Doyoung was very shocked to hear the old news but very new to him, in their old days Asahi was a very good friend, he would hear everything Doyoung would say, scold, complaints or whine about anything. But he never asked Asahi. And Asahi never tried telling him about his past as well.

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