Chapter Fourteen

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"What are you doing Doyoung?" Dahye asked as she entered into his son's room.

"Ahh mom! I'm so stressed! Asahi is ready to leave already but I have no idea what to give him as a memory so that he would always remember me."

"You have already given him something, that it would be so heard for him to forget. He won't ever forgets you..!" Dahye's thought.

"Ah Doyoung there's nothing to stress about... Why don't you give him some of your photo portrait, so that he would always see you... Or maybe some decoration for his granny house? A thing would be memorable for him.. I guess."

"Heyy! That's a good idea! I shouldn't waste more time now. Bye and thank you so much mom!" He said grabbing his jacket, hugged her from excitement and rushed out jumping like a kid which makes her chuckled.

"Aishh this kid!!!"

"Dahye... Why are you so down?" Dong asked his wife, sitting in a living room with a cup of tea.

"Huh- ahh what can I say?..." She sigh again and he sat beside him, putting his arm on her shoulder which makes her to lean down her back on his chest. She sighs again.

"I feel very bad for Asahi...."

"Hey.. you know that right... It wasn't meant to be happened! Then there's nothing to feel bad about! He's going back to Japan where he will find his peace and I know he will come back as even stronger than before." He tried assure her but she wasn't getting any of it.

"You're not understanding Dong...  I don't think everything is going right or not? I doubt this... I doubt Asahi's choice of leaving from here. It's not happening good Dong!" Dahye start panicking and Dong could just rub her back to relax her.

"Please Dong... Stop all this. Stop Asahi. It's not going right? I'm not feeling it-" She cried and Dong even embrace her tightly.

"Why can't you understand your feelings, Doyoung-ah?" Dong's thought.

"Urhm don't you feel bad he's leaving?" Yedam asked.
Doyoung in Yedam's apartment, looking for photos of Asahi and his friends, of Polaroid album of Yedam's, so that he could portrait them in one frame.

"Ofcourse I do that's why I'm doing this. I'm gonna miss him real bad."

"I thought you guys had something in between...?" Yedam hesitantly asked.

"Yeah... We do.." Yedam's ear perked up and look at him.

"We always share that special bond between us, I mean you and I are best friends but something with him is way more special... I have always been throwing him away, been annoyed by him without any reason but now look... I was totally wrong, he is such a gentleman. The purest soul I have ever met. Whenever I'm with him. I want time to stop, I, now always wanted to be with him. He's such a great friend. I'm missing him already!" Doyoung whole heartedly said and Yedam smiled cheekily.

"Are you sure this is just friendship?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" He again went back to finding good picture in Yedam's album.

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