Chapter Ten

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People say bad times come late, but not for Asahi. Not only one bad time can be spent with one's loved one, even an entire generation can go through it.

He had everything with him in bad times that he probably never even imagined.

Healing takes courage, and we all have that courage in ourselves, even if we have to dig it in a little. But Asahi wasn't the one to dig it, it was Doyoung who did it for him. Doyoung dig out his courage for Asahi.

He get more than anything he could ever imagined.

And he's grateful about it every day, each second for it. For him, For Kim Doyoung.

Just like that, they didn't realise when the time passed, when the bad times passed away. And now they are already near at the end of thier senior year.

"Doyoung... What are you doing?" Asahi asked entering kitchen and seeing Doyoung cooking something for dinner.

"Oh hey Asahi! When did you come back?" Doyoung asked instead of replying.

Asahi was at his father's company, helping him in some stuff and his mother and Dahye wasn't home, as they went away to enjoy their weekend alone. 

"Been half an hour already."

"Ah okay... You look freshen up already, I made dinner for us can you go and put dishes on dining table?" Doyoung asked and Asahi smiled while nodding.

"Wahhh Kim Doyoung... You're so good at cooking." Asahi said tasting the food and his eyes widen at the taste of food, it was indeed good.

Doyoung shake his head while chuckling "oh c'mon I ain't that good!"

"No! You're way too good! It taste so good. Thank you so much for the food, Doyoungie~" Asahi sang and Doyoung chuckled again.

"I love to see him this happy and enjoying his life like this, please God never hurt him again." Doyoung thought staring and softly smiling at the Japanese who was enjoying the tasty food.

"Wah I can't believe this is our last week here already..." Hyunsuk said.

Doyoung and Asahi's friends sitting in the cafeteria being sentimental about finishing thier senior year in just less than a week.

"It's shorter for us as we enter here in between of semester, it was too hard but I'm glad we made it here." Yedam said.

"And all the credit goes to Doyoung though! He made us work way too hard.." he said sarcastically that make everyone laugh a little. Doyoung shakes his head with a smile.

"Sorry guys it was all because of me."

"Doyoung-ah it's okay, you know everything happens for a reason. Coming here was a intention of God." Everyone confused but Hyunsuk glanced at Mashiho who was biting his lips nervously, avoiding eye contact. Doyoung and Asahi chuckled as they know the reason but never said it out loud.

At this moment no one was single every is dating someone and it was clear already, leaving only Asahi and Doyoung.

"I'm happy for them, they all look together anyway." Asahi said with a soft smile on his face.

Doyoung and Asahi were on Asahi's backyard garden, doing their homework on healthy sunny light, on winter months.

"Hmm but to be honest I thought Jeongwoo's type isn't someone like Junghwan, but he is head over heels for him haha."

"Not gonna lie San is way too sus for polite guy like Wooyoung." Asahi said chuckling a little.

"Yah but Wooyoung confessed first"

"But San fell first."

Staring at each other,they suddenly burst into laughing.

"Oh haha I can't believe all my friends are dating your friends." Doyoung said laying on the greeny, shining grass and Asahi accompanying him.

"They are made for each other."

"Hey.. I wonder what's your type Asahi?" Doyoung suddenly asked turning his body to Asahi's way, putting his palm on head with his elbow keeping his head up.

"Someone who's just like you." Asahi thought looking at Doyoung straight in his eyes.

Asahi sigh and lay straight, gazing towards the beautiful and sunny sky above him.

"I don't really know... I just want someone who can love me and respect me..." Asahi respond to Doyoung who was still staring at him.

"I do both, then why didn't you noticed me ever?" Thought Doyoung.

"What about you? What's your type Doyoung?" Asahi asked glancing towards him.

"I uhh- I got blank when someone ask me something, but yeah same like yours. When someone gives you love and respect, what more do you need? That's enough for me." Doyoung said.

"Have you ever fallen in love Doyoung-ah?" Asahi asked so softly that made Doyoung close his eyes when feeling butterflies in his andrenline.

"I... I never been fallen in love with anyone, nor impatient to find it."

"What do you mean?"

"I never felt anything like that towards anyone, I never focused on that thing..."

Somewhere in Asahi was feeling happy. He thought Doyoung is tough because of maybe heartbreak, but there is nothing like that. It's his real personality.

"I can make you fall in love with me.... Even if I have the littlest chance of it." Asahi thought.

"And what about you?" Doyoung asked Asahi.

"Not fallen in love but yeah I had a crush on some one like crazy. I really used to like her, she was like a heart throbe in my Japanese school. But she was smart, she never dated anyone and I never confessed. Just like that, schools ended and I never got to see her yet."

Doyoung pouted a little hearing Asahi's words. Asahi never confess something like this and Doyoung was kinda jealous.

"You never contacted her?" But still Doyoung asked out of curiosity, maybe he's still connected to his school time crush through Instagram.

"No. I haven't. Though I had her insta profile but I never talked to her. It was past and I had moved on already."

"Because I have someone who's way special to me." Asahi thought again gazing towards Doyoung, who was now gazing up to the sky.


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