Chapter thirty: replacement

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Atsumu felt unsafe, uncomfortable and borderline scared.

He sat in a trunk with the ballad of a ball then playing as Shirabu stared at him and Naoyuki. 

" Atsuka— I mean, Atsumu. " Shirabu corrected himself, staring at the man who frowned at the name.

" Can you just tell me who she is so I can leave? " Atsumu said, crossing his arms.

" Right..well Asuka was Kiyoomi's first love. "

",..what? "

Sakusa sat on the bed when Atsumu came in. For the month Atsumu hid the fact he knew about Asuka but today he was done. He had a dark expression and annoyed and before he knew it he felt his nose bleed.

Atsumu punched him in his face.

" The fuck..? " Sakusa was obviously confused as he held onto his bleeding nose.

" I'm a replacement? " Atsumu asked, tears brimming in his eyes.

Sakusa's eyes widened.

" You talked to Shirabu!? " Sakusa yelled and Atsumu shrugged his shoulders.

" At least he tells me the truth! " Atsumu fought back and Sakusa shook his head.

He was flabbergasted as he saw Atsumu pack his bag.

" Hey— "

" Find another replacement, I'm done. " He said and Sakusa laughed in disbelief.

" You're leaving me? " he asked and Atsumu nodded, turning his back to not face Sakusa.

Sakusa grabbed him and kissed him, Atsumu tried to fight back to no avail and eventually melted into the kiss, moaning slightly as Sakusa started rubbing him, creating stimulation Atsumu desperately needed.

Hinata sat in the living, a bowl of strawberries when Osamu came in.

" Want one? " he ginger asked and quickly Osamu took one.

He ate it whole and Hinata chuckled.

" are you? " Osamu said and Hinata just shrugged.

" My feet hurt and back but other than that I'm okay. " Hinata looked at Osamu.

" What do you want? " he asked, crossing his arms.

" What makes you think I need anything..? " Osamu asked and Hinata raised an eyebrow.

" You haven't had a conversation with me since.. " Hinata points down at the baby bump that sits comfortable on his bladder.

" Uh yeah actually, I want to go to the bayou. " Osamu said and Hinata laughed.

" Oh, you're actually serious. Well, I guess. " Hinata said, getting up.

Kuroo laid in the bed, eyes wandering over to see Akaashi reading a book.

" I miss them. " Kuroo says as Akaashi sadly smiles.

" yeah, I miss them too. " he whispered, putting the book down and shifting to look at Kuroo.

Akaashi lays down and holds Kuroo's hands. They stare into their eyes lovingly until the door opens revealing two twin girls who jump on top of them.

Oikawa finished getting off call with Yahaba. Sighing as he sat on the couch.

" How are they? " Hajime asked, holding Kohana in his arms.

" they are okay, they are coming back soon to get koko. " Oikawa said and Hajime nodded.

Hajime left the room. He sat on the porcelain balcony, having a cigarette from his pocket and smoking it.

He didn't wanna let Kohana leave, that was his daughter no one else's. but she can never have the best opportunity if she lived here.

Atsumu' woke up with a killer headache and an even killer back. Slowly he got up and stared at Sakusa's back.

He walked towards the door and opened it quietly, sneaking out and going downstairs.

Sakusa wasn't pleased by this and watched, secretly the love of his life slipping out of his grips.

He turned around in the bed before his phone dinged.

He groggily got up and read it, eyes widening at the message.

" It's so late.. " Osamu said, walking into the house with Hinata.

" It's actually 5 am. " he corrected the taller boy who rolled his eyes.

Hinata doubled back in pain, holding his bump.

" Uh... " Osamu says, awkward as he feels Hinata grab his wrist tightly.

" Uhm bring to me the hospital, yeah? "

Hinata tied most of his hair up while playing on his phone.

A few doctores came in here and there to monitor him but nothing bad.

" It's a girl, did I ever tell you that? " he says quietly. Osamu thinks for a moment before shaking his head.

Kageyama rushes in and hugs Hinata tightly.

" I should go. " Osamu said and Hinata nodded, waving him goodbye.

The next few hours were painful until Hinata held a very small baby in his arms.

" Ahhh...I'm bad with names.. " he admitted as Kageyama stared at the baby, happily.

" She looks like a Mina. " He whispered, rubbing the baby's cheek.

" Mina... "

BOO. Sorry for not posting I've been working on my yt @ Ukasooma


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