Diagon Alley

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Monday 9th August 1991

Monday has finally arrived.

I change into a green skirt and brown jumper, and leave my hair down and brushed, with a black headband.

I rush downstairs and bid goodbye to my guardian.

I grab some floo powder from the little bowl above our fireplace and clearly say,
"Diagon Alley"

Green flames emerge around me, dancing like the wind. As they die, I am faced with Diagon Alley. My first destination is Gringotts Bank.

I make my way up the alley, my eyes scanning the cobbled street. It is packed with people wearing pointy hats and long robes, but most importantly, Hogwarts students buying their necessary equipment.

Luckily I know my way around Diagon Alley, as I have been many times before with my guardian. However, this is my first time alone.

My head snaps back to reality, as I am faced with the large, dark oak door of Gringotts. I pull the circular door handle, and walk inside.

I am met with a long narrow hallway, with marble floors and large stone pillars. On the left and right, are desks, filled with goblins. Despite the fact that I had been here before, Gringotts never fails to amaze me.

I walk shyly towards the large podium at the end of the hallway, trying not to attract any attention to myself.

"I'm here to make a withdrawal." I say to the goblin behind the podium.

"For whom?" He replies.

"Lilith riddle." I half-confidently say.

"And do you have your key?" He asks. I take the small key out of my jumper pocket and place it on the podium for the goblin to see.

"Very well then. Follow me." He says, leaving his seat and walking towards a door to the left of him.

I follow him to the door and he shows me to my vault, after a long cart journey.

"Vault 583." He says. We get out of the cart and he turns the key in the vault.

Once opened, a large sum of gold, silver, and bronze coins can be seen. I grab a pouch and fill it with the various riches, then nod to the goblin to thank him. He closes the door and we make our way back to the main part of the bank.

Once I leave the bank, I set foot for Ollivanders, the finest wand maker in all of Diagon Alley.
I arrive at the shop and walk inside. It's dusty and old-looking, presumably 50-70 years old. There's an old looking man with white, thin hair, behind the front desk, studying a wand under a light. This must be Ollivander.

"Hello." I say, trying to gain his attention. He looks up at me with his icy blue eyes.

"Here for a wand I presume." He says, smiling at me. I nod in reply. He walks over to a shelf, scans it's contents, and then picks a long box.

"How about we try this one." He says.
"Pine, 11 inches, limited flexibility, unicorn hair core." He opens the box and takes out a beautiful wand.

I take it from him and swish it in the air. As I do so, a glass vase that's sitting on his desk shatters, flinging glass everywhere.

"Perhaps not." He says. Taking the wand from me and placing it back in the box. He puts it back and then scans the shelf again. He then pulls out another long, thin box.

"Willow, 12 inches, flexible, dragon heartstrings core." He says. I take the wand from him and swish it in the air. Suddenly a breeze develops around us, and I knew that this wand had chosen me.

"Marvellous, 7 Galleons." He says. I hand him the money and head out of the shop, my new wand in my bag and a new found excitement in my heart.
Once I had bought all of the necessary equipment for school (though struggling to take it around with me as it was a large amount of items.), I decide to treat myself by grabbing a book not on the list.

I walk into Flourish and Blotts. It is packed with Hogwarts students trying to buy the extraordinarily long list of books.

I scan the shelf labelled 'Herbology'. Magical plants have always interested me. My eyes land on a book called 'One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi' written by Phyllida Spore. It's a rather beautiful book, with a green, leather cover and pictures of a selection of plants on the front. I read the price on the back and see that it is only 2 Galleons.

I walk towards the very busy front desk and place the money down. The lady then thanks me and I leave the shop.


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