Petrificus Totalus

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Thursday 4th June 1992

'Shit' I think to myself. I forgot to do my Defence Against The Dark Arts homework. It's about 8:00 at night and lights out is at 9:00.

It's too late for me to use any brain power so I decide to go to the Gryffindor common room and find Hermione so she can give me the answers.

I walk up to the 7th floor, unfortunately it takes a while to get there because the Slytherin common room is in the dungeons, and you have to walk up 7 staircases to get there. So by the time I arrive, I am out of breath and dehydrated.

"Caput Draconus." I say to the fat lady. And she opens up to the common room.

I step inside the very empty common room, most people are in bed at this time.

I look around, and notice something on the floor, I walk over to it.

It was neville, lead on the floor, as stiff as a board.

"Neville?" I say. His eyes dart to me but he says nothing.

"Episkey!" I say. It's lucky that we were taught the counter spell to Petrificus Totalus, otherwise I'd have to drag Neville all the way to the hospital wing, which is on the first floor.

"Crap!" Neville shouts, whilst fumbling to get up.

"What's going on? Who spelled you?" I ask.

"It's Hermione Ron and Harry, there going to try and sneak out again, their gonna loose us more house points!" He says whilst scrambling.

"Why did they spell you though? Surely they had reason?"

"Whatever their doing it can't be good. We should tell McGonagall." He speed walks out of the common room, and I follow suit.

I'm not one for telling teachers if my friends are breaking rules, but they have been being strange recently. They've been secretive.
"Again?" McGonagall says, an annoyed expression on her face. She must be sick of having to stop students from getting out of bed.

"I told them not to, but they didn't listen." Neville says worried. He skips the part where Hermione petrified him.

"I suppose I better sort this out. Off to bed the pair of you. I'll handle it from here." She says. Me and Neville walk back to our dorms.

On my way back however, I feel a sudden headache, like the one I had in the library when I saw Harry, but this time, ten times worse. Like my entire brain was going to explode.

It fades away quickly, however. I really should try and figure out what it is, maybe it happened to Harry again as well?

I continue on to my dorm room, tired and wanting to sleep.

I never did get those homework answers.
I wake up the next morning to a panicked Edith, shaking me.

"Oh my god Lilith wake up!" She shouts.

"What do you wanttt." I reply. Why is this girl always waking me up?

"Harry's in the hospital wing."

"WHAT?" I reply.

"Come on." She walks out of the dorm room and I follow along, completely forgetting about getting changed.

"What about classes?" I ask.



"I have no clue." She replies. Surely Dumbledoor wouldn't cancel classes for no reason? Whatever, at least I won't get in trouble for not doing my Defence Against The Dark Arts homework.

"I had that headache again, but way worse." I say.

"Again? Maybe you should see Dumbledore about it?"

"He probably will do the same as Snape, and won't tell me what it is."

We reach the hospital wing and walk up to Harry's bed. Ron and Hermione were sat on the chairs by his bed.

"What happened?" I ask the two.

"Well, in short, Professor Quirrell had You Know Who on the back of his head for month without anyone knowing, and was trying to steal something valuable, but we found out and Harry managed to stop him." Hermione explains.

"In short? That seemed like that was long explanation!" Edith says.

"So he had an encounter with Voldemort?" I ask. Hermione shivers at the mention of the name.

"Yep, again." Ron replies.

Jesus, this kid just can't catch a break can he?

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