Feasts And Fights

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The five of us all sit round the Gryffindoor table, waiting for the Christmas feast to begin.

The hall was decorated with fairy lights and Christmas trees. As per usual, Dumbledoor rises and clinks his glass, to make a speech.

"These speeches don't make sense half the time." Dean says in my ear. He has a point, I've never actually listened to any of his speeches.

Once Dumbledoor's speech was over, a range of lush foods appear on the table, filling the room with the smell.

"Woah." Ron says, looking at all the food. Each of us put our food on our plate ( Ron's being more of a pile), and start eating the feast.

"We should definitely go out by the black lake after lunch." Harry suggests.

"But it will be frozen over? What's the point in that?" I reply. The temperature was definitely bellow freezing, we wouldn't be able to swim, and if we could we would practically freeze to death.

"Exactly." He says with a grin on his face.
We all wrap up in jumpers and winter clothes, and walk out to the black lake.

The snow is still crunchy, fresh and mostly untouched due to the lack of students.

"Look the lakes completely frozen over!" Dean says running over. The lake was completely ice, thick enough to stand on. Dean attempts to stand on it but falls right over, sending us all into fits of laughter.

"We should try and ice skate." I suggest.

"Without skates? We'll definitely fall over." Harry says, concerned.

"Yeah but that's the fun of it!" I walk over to the ice and try to stand on it. Luckily, I have good balance, and manage to hold myself up.

"How are you doing that? It's so slippery!" Dean says from the floor. I laugh at him and try to pull him up. Unfortunately, his lack of stability make me also fall over, and we both end up on the cold ice.

All of a sudden, I feel a quick coldness hit the back of my head. I turn around and see Ron throwing snowballs at me.

"Oh you're on Weasley!" I shout, crawling off of the ice and scooping snow into my hand.

It was an all out snowball fight, snow being flung everywhere and people falling over left right and centre.

But then our fun was ruined.

"Hanging out with your boyfriends Riddle?" It was Draco with his pathetic friends.

"Piss of Malfoy." Dean says, trying to stick up for me.

"Shouldn't you be at home Malfoy? Or did mummy not want you." I say.

"Oh please Riddle, at least I have a mother." He truly did make my blood boil. It was hard not to punch him in his smug face.

"And for your information, they're on a holiday that you could only dream of affording."

"Just leave her alone Malfoy." Neville pipes up.

"Got a crush have we Longbottom?"

"So what if he does? Leave before we have a repeat of the quidditch match." I say. The sly git finally walks away.

"He's just trying to wind you up Lilith, ignore him." Dean says. It takes everything in my power not to kick him in the balls. If he has any.
Despite our fun being ruined by Malfoy, we still managed to have a fun Christmas.

We've all wrapped warm up in the Gryffindoor common room, with blankets and hot chocolates, telling fun stories.

Though I would've preferred to spend Christmas at home, or even here with Edith, I still have had a wonderful Christmas.

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