First Day Jitters

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Monday September 2nd 1991

I wake up in excitement. It's the first day of lessons.

I check my timetable that was given to me, to see what lessons I have.

9:00am Potions (G)
10:00am Quidditch (G)
11:00am Break
11:20am Astronomy (R)
12:20pm Lunch
1:00pm Herbology (G)
2:00pm Divination (H)
3:00pm Free time
5:30pm Dinner
7:00 Free time
9:00 Lights Out

I assume the letter on the side of lessons means what house we have our class with. Slytherin are mostly paired with Gryffindor.

Lessons only start at 9:00 so that gives me 2 hours to get ready. I put on my Slytherin robes, and brush my hair into my signature 2 braids.

"How are you wide awake?" Says a groggy voice from behind me. I turn around to see Edith sat on her bed, with wild hair. Well her hair is always wild but more wild than normal.

"Well morning to you too." I say sarcastically in response. She smiles at me then gets up and looks in the mirror.

"Jesus I look like I've been dragged through a bush backwards." She says laughing.

"We have potions first period." I say to her. She rolls her eyes

"I hear professor Snape is really strict. If I get a detention my mum will kill me." She says.

"I mean he's not that bad." I say shrugging.

"How would you know?" She replies.

"I live with him." She looks at me with her jaw dropping.

"Poor you!" She says. I smile and roll my eyes at her. We both continue to get ready for our day, then walk down to the great hall together to get breakfast.
Once in the hall, me and Edith look for a place to sit. I notice that there are some empty seats next to Neville, Seamus, and Dean, so I lead Edith towards them.

"Hi guys!" I say, way too enthusiastically for a Tuesday morning. Seamus looks up and nods at me and Dean send me a small smile. Neville however is completely lost in thought.

"Is it alright if we sit with you?" I ask.

"Sure." Seamus says, tiredly. We both take a seat next to the boys.

"This is Edith." I say to them. They all introduce themselves to her and then we start eating breakfast.

"I'm so nervous." Edith says into my ear. Her hands are shaking like jelly. I put my hand over hers to ease the trembling.

"We'll be fine, I promise. I say to her reassuringly. She smiles back at me, weakly. I look over to Neville. He hasn't eaten anything or said a thing.

"You ok Nev?" I say. I like the nickname on him, it's sweet. He snaps out of his daydream and looks at me.

"Oh I'm fine.." he says stuttering. It seems everyone has first day jitters.

I continue with my food, sensing that everyone's too nervous to talk right now.

I pull out my potions book and read the pages carefully, to prepare for our first class.


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