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Thursday October 31st 1991

Some time has passed since 'the incident'. Unfortunately, no luck in finding an answer, despite months of being in the library with Harry and his friends, scanning books. However it did make me closer to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, which I'm thankful for.

It's Halloween day, meaning everyone's feeling the spooky spirit, myself included. And the Halloween feast is the best one we've had yet, even better than the welcoming one.

The castle has been decorated with pumpkins and cobwebs, some people are wearing subtle costumes that don't go against dress code.

"I love her hair." Edith says to me. A fifth year girl has put her hair in a bun and put a fake spider in it.

"Same, I wish I knew how to do fun things like that with my hair."
I never really bothered with my hair. I never had a mother to teach me how to take care of it, and Severus didn't seem to want to help me out with it, so I've just left it.

"I like your hair, it all soft and smooth, mines a mess." Edith complains.

"Your hairs cute! I like how blonde it is." I reply. She starts trying to de-tangle it with a little comb that she has in her school bag.

Dumbledoor rises from his chair and clinks his spoon on his goblet, capturing the attention of the great hall. His speeches are usually a bore, I often find myself zoning out during them. This one is certainly no exception.

Suddenly, his long speech is interrupted by a panicked professor Quirrell, running up the centre of the hall.

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEON, THERES A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you ought to know." He then abruptly faints, with a hard thud.

'Ouch' I think to myself. Screams and yelling quickly ensue, along with students rushing around.

"SILENCE" Dumbledoor yells.
"Everyone will please not panic! Now, prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

Everyone starts hustling to follow their house prefect. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Severus leaving through a separate door, instead of follow the other teachers. Curious, I attempt to follow him, but am held back by a tug on my sleeve.

"Lilith we're supposed to go to our dorms!" It was Edith. Shee is pale in the face and shaky, presumably, panicking about the troll.

"I'll go in a second, just let me do this first." I say, whilst releasing myself from her grip and pushing my way through the hoards of people. I quietly open the door, trying not to alert him that I was here.

I see him walking quickly down a hallway, and follow suit. He seems to be in a rush to go somewhere, which is strange considering he would normally do what Dumbledoor asks.

He pauses his walking abruptly. I freeze quickly and attempt to hide around the corner.

"What do you think your doing." He says, clearly talking to me. I come out from the corner and he turns to look at me.

"I could ask the same to you, Severus." I reply.

"It's professor Snape whilst we're at Hogwarts, and what I am doing is none of your business."

"I want to come with you." I say in a determined voice.
"Clearly what your doing is important, I want to help."

"Leave, Lilith." He says in a stern voice.

"Come on you know I'm good at helping you!" I whine.

"This is an important matter that shouldn't be intervened with by a student. Leave." I turn and walk towards the door.

He starts walking back up the hallway, I follow once more, this time being careful as to not make a noise.

We go up some stairs and end up by a large door. Severus storms inside and starts yelling at someone.

I peak my head inside and see Professor Quirrell and Severus. But more importantly, a monstrous, three-headed dog.


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