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The beast is drooling and growling loudly.

"What do you think your doing Quirinus?" Severus asks, threateningly. I hadn't even noticed Quirrell leave the hall.
Quirrell turns around to face Severus.

"I was just ch-checking the third floor for the t-troll." He stutters. Severus raises his wand to his throat.

"You an I both know that the third floor is restricted. Your up to something." He replies. Suddenly, Quirrell dashes out the door, I quickly hide behind a large statue.

Inside, I hear Severus yelp. The filthy beast has taken a swipe at his leg, which is now dripping with blood. He swiftly leaves the room and locks the door behind him, panting from adrenaline and pain.

I want to come out and help the poor man, but know that the consequences would be severe for me if I did so. Instead I watch him limp to the stair case.

I can hear the dog growling and scratching at the door from inside. Its a horrible noise, enough to make anyone shake with fear. My heart pounds as I listened to the noise.

My head is racing with questions. Why is there a three headed dog at Hogwarts? Why did Severus know to come to the third floor? What's Quirrell up to?

My train of thought is interrupted by the large howl from the beast. This reminds me that I'm supposed to be going to my dorm.

I get up from my hiding place and go back down the hallway that leads to the great hall.


"WHAT?" Edith shouts loudly.

"I know! The thing is, Quirrell was definitely up to something, I just can't figure out what." I explain to her.

As soon as I made it back to my dorm, I tell Edith what I had seen.

"Why is it always you who has interesting things happening to them. It's almost as if you go looking for trouble."

"I don't go looking for it, it comes looking for me." I reply frustrated.

"Well, at least I get to know all about it." She laughs.

"Lucky you." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Just then, a thought comes to my head.

Perhaps Harry, Ron and Hermione have an idea? I mean they're always followed by trouble too, so maybe they've already found the answer to my question.
Me, Ron Hermione and Harry, all meet up in the library after school, to discuss the three headed dog.

"We saw it as well, dirty thing drooled all over me." Ron says, clearly disgusted by the memory.

"But you don't know anything about it?" I ask desperately.

"I'd we knew, we would tell you." Harry says sadly. I hadn't told them the part about Quirrell and Snape yet.

"We could ask Hagrid?" Hermione suggests.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"He's the groundskeeper, we're pretty close with him." She replies.

"I won't be coming with you, I have too much homework to catch up on. But if you find anything, let me know." I say.

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