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Saturday 14th December 1991

Me and Edith pack our sleepover bags and make our way over to the Gryffindoor common room.

"Caput Draconis!" Edith says to the fat lady, excitedly.

The portrait opens up to the cozy Gryffindoor common room. It had velvet red chairs and hints of gold and burgundy flickered around the rooms interior. On one of the sofas was our friends waiting for us to turn up.

"They're here!" Hermione says excitedly. The group all run over to us.

"Let's go up to the room!" Seamus says.

We walk up the stairs to the boys room. Inside is 5, four poster beds, wardrobes and little tables next to the beds.

"We'll all sleep on the floor, but make it comfy with all the bedding and pillows." Dean says.

"Have we actually figured out what we're gonna do yet?" I ask.
No one replies so I just shrug my shoulders. After we set up the floor, we all sit down in a circle.

"How bout we play truth or dare?" Edith asks mischievously. Everyone agrees, and Edith starts.

"Hmm... Ron! Truth or dare." She says enthusiastically.

"Uh, truth I guess."

"What's you biggest fear?" This question was enough to send Harry into fits of laughter, clearly Ron's worst fear was something funny.

"Spiders.." he says embarrassed.

"The amount of times Ron has woken up from a nightmare, and starts talk some gibberish about spiders, is more than I can count on both hands!" Harry giggles.

"Ok, Dean, truth or dare." Ron asks

"Dare." He replies confidently.

"I dare you to.... shout out of the corridor that you love Professor Mcgonagall!" Ron says triumphantly.

"Oh come on that's easy! You gotta give me something more difficult." He says rolling his eyes.

Dean gets up and opens the door, then shouts out of the corridor.

"That was brilliant!" Seamus laughs.

"Your turn Seamus! Truth or dare." Dean says whilst sitting back down.


"Borrring. If you had to date anyone in the room, who?" He says.

"Oh, I haven't really thought about that before..." he says whilst scanning us three girls.
"I suppose Lilith?"

"Ew!" Edith says beside me, making me laugh.

"Lilith and Seamus sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Ron says loudly.

"I'm gonna murder you Weasley!" Seamus gets up and walks toward Ron, making him also get up and start running. Everyone laughs at the two running like a cat an mouse. Ron's face is priceless.

After a while of chasing, the two sit down.

"Lilith, truth or dare." Seamus asks me.

"Umm.. dare." I say. Truth was too risky.

"I dare you too... kiss Edith!"

"What? Why!" I say laughing.

"Cause it's funny." He replies.

I turn to Edith and give her a small kiss on the cheek, she laughs in response.

"I meant on the lips." He says.

"Well you didn't specify. Neville, truth or dare." He snaps out of his daydream.

"Um, truth."

"If you had to choose, which teacher would you marry?" I ask. I thought it was a pretty good question.

"I guess Professor Sprout? I mean she teaches my favourite subjects so..."

"Ewww." Harry says, with a disgusted face.

"I'm boredddd!" Edith exclaims, whilst flopping to the floor dramatically.

"How bout we have a talent show!" Dean suggests.

"Ooo fun!" I say.

We set up a makeshift stage with the curtains from the beds and a hairbrush as a microphone.

"Who wants to start?" Asks Seamus.

"Me!" Edith responds. When it comes to Edith, she could do anything.

"My talent is I can do a handstand for thirty seconds."

"We'll time you." Harry says. Sure enough, she could do a handstand.

Everyone had their turns, Ron who could but his abc's (gross), Seamus who knew the entire lyrics of summer nights from grease, Dean who could do a backflip, Hermione who could stack six books on her head and Harry who could juggle.

All who was left was me and Neville.

"What about you Neville? What's you talent?" Dean asks.

"Me and Trevor can do tricks." He walked over to the cage where he keeps his pet toad, then brings him back to the stage. Neville them displays the tricks that Trevor can do. I have to say, it was impressive.

After a round of applause for Neville and his amazing toad Trevor, attention was set on me.

"What's your talent Lilith?" Seamus asks, grinning.
I thought for a second before replying.

"Im a Ligilimens." I reply. Everyone's jaws dropped and a couple gasps ensue.

"YOU CAN READ MINDS?" Ron practically shouted.

"I mean yeah, Snape taught me at a young age, I've never actually used it though."

"Snape taught you?" Questions Harry.

"Yeah, he's my legal guardian." This also caused jaws to drop.

"Well show us then!" Hermione says. I walk up to the stage shyly.

"Someone think of a colour." I say.

"Got it!" Edith says.

"Light blue." I reply.

"Oh my god your right."

"What food at I thinking of?" Asks Ron.

"Chicken." I reply. It's almost easy for me to read their minds at this point. Being taught from a young age mean my skill developed early.

"I hate to be that person, but we should call it a night." Hermione says.

"Yeah your right, some of us have to catch the train home tomorrow." Seamus says sadly.

We all tuck under our blankets and pillows, trying to fall asleep. I however couldn't, because I could help but notice the fact that Neville's leg was touching mine.

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