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Wednesday 25th December 1991

I wake up as soon as my alarm clock goes off and rush to the Gryffindoor common room, bringing my presents, and the presents I have for the boys with me.

"Caput Draconus" I say to the fat lady, and walk into the common room. None of the boys were awake yet, so I put each of the boys presents in their piles, and head toward their room.

"Wake upppp!" I shout loudly into the boys room. The all stir as they are waken up by my loud shouting. Each of the boys slowly get up and walk down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas!" I say to the four boys. They each say it back.

"How on earth did you get in here?." Harry asks.

"Easy, I memorised the password." I say.

Each of the boys rush to their piles of presents and we all bring them to the middle of the room, to unwrap.

"You should all open my one first!" My excitement was clearly too much for some of the boys, as Neville and Dean were practically half asleep.

Each boy opened their present with a big smile on their face. I could tell I had done a good job.

"How did you know that The Chudley Cannons are my favourite?" Ron asks.

"Hermione." I answer simply. After unwrapping his present, Neville gets up and rushes to his room, succulent in hand.

"What's up with him?" Harry asks. Before anyone could reply he rushed back in with a small pink box.

"This is for you." He says, giving me the gift whilst turning a deep shad of red.

I open the box carefully, not wanting to damage what's inside. In it is a beautiful silver bracelet with pink gems. I stare at it for a second, before getting up and hugging Neville tightly. I could feel his face heating as I did, but he returned the hug.

"Thank you, it's beautiful." I whisper in his ear. I release the boy from my grasp, leaving him frozen on the spot. I then turn to my other presents.

The one that most capsures my eye is a box, wrapped with black wrapping paper that had holes in the top.

I carefully pick up the heavy box and open it.

"Holy shit." I say, seeing what's inside. A small black kitten looked up at me with gleaming green eyes. In the bottom was a note.

Dear Lilith,

Merry Christmas, hope you enjoy the gift. He's a boy by the way.

"What is it?" Ron asks curiously. I lift the cat out of the box and place it on my lap.

"Who sent that?" Dean asks, shocked.

"My guardian."

"I'm surprised he sends Christmas gifts." Harry remarks.

"Of course he does, I'm his kid." I say laughing

"What are you gonna name him?" Neville says from behind me, clearly coming out of his shocked state.

"Jinx." I say. I always promised myself that if I got a cat, it's name would be jinx.

"Why?" He asks.

"I don't know. I guess I just like the name." I reply.

I decide to walk down to the dungeons to put jinx in my dorm room, but more importantly, say hi to Severus.

I knock on the large wooden door.

"Come in." Says a cold voice from inside. I step in and am instantly greeted with the dark atmosphere of his office.

"Merry Christmas." I say.

"Merry Christmas, did you get you present?" He asks, getting up from his desk.

I walk over to him and hug him. Severus has always know that I wanted a cat, he was probably waiting for the right time.

"Thank you." I say smiling. I never usually hug him, so he is slightly taken aback.

The only times I can remember hugging him was when I was five, and broke my leg, and when I was 7, and my pet snake died. This was my first time hugging him in years. It was nice.

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