Being Eleven Is Strange

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I sit at a table and read my favourite book, 'One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi', the book I bought in Diagon alley. Reading tends to help me calm down after anger.

"Hi." Says a small voice from behind me. I turn around to see Neville.

"Hi Nev." I smile at him and he sits down next to me.

"What ya reading?" He asks. I lift the book up to show him the cover.
"I love herbology too! My favourite is Mimbulus mimbletonia. Did you know it has a defence mechanism that makes it release stink sap from its boils?" He says excitedly. He's clearly just as interested in herbology as I am.

"Sorry I'm doing it again..." he returns to his shy state.

"Doing what?" I ask. I enjoy listening to him talk about plants. It seems to bring him out of his shell a bit.

"Rambling, I do it a lot, gran gets mad at me for it." He says.

"It's fine, I like listening." I smile at him and he returns the smile.

"You got Goyle pretty good." He says. I laugh in response.

"Not as good as you got Crabbe. I never knew you where so strong."

"Neither did I to be honest." He giggles. He got away from the fight mostly unscathed, apart from his fluffy brown hair being all over the place.

"Is your lip ok?" He asks, gesturing to the large cut. I go to touch it but it stings as I do.

"I'll be fine." I say. He doesn't seem fully convinced.

"I have something in my bag to ease the pain." He pulls out a metal container. Inside appears to be a kind of ointment.

He takes a little bit on his fingers and brushes it on my lip. I blush a little at his touch. He's cute, I have to admit it. And he seems to care about me. He puts the container back in his bag.

"You ok?" He says, snapping me out of my day dream. I must've froze like a deer in headlights. He turns a little bit red, realising that I was staring.

"Oh yeah, fine." I say. I've never thought of Neville like this before. I mean, I've never really thought about romance in general before, it confuses me. Yet whatever just happened then made me blush and have butterflies in my stomach.

I grab my book and get up quickly.

"I have to go." I say, avoiding eye contact.

"Ok, bye." He says, a slight sad tone in his voice.

It feels weird thinking about romance at this age. I mean we're only eleven and I've never thought about it before. But maybe that's what happens at this age? Maybe nows the time that everyone starts feeling differently about the opposite sex?

Being eleven is strange.
"Ooo someone has a crushhh!" Edith says loudly. I cup my hands around her mouth, attempting to shut her up.

"Shut up! I don't know if it's a crush, maybe I'm just being weird." I say. As soon as I left the library I decided to ask Edith if she knew anything about what I was feeling. I release my hands from her mouth.

"You've literally just described the definition of crushing, all the signs are there!" She half-whispers, trying not to draw the rest of the common rooms attention to us.

"Why Neville though?" She asks.

"I don't know, I don't even know if it's a crush." She gives me a look that basically says 'seriously?'.

"Don't look at me like that!" I laugh.

"Someone's in denial."

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