The Hogwarts Express

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Sunday September 1st 1991

The day has finally arrived, after months of reading my books over and over again, and trying spells out. It's September the 1st.

Severus has already left the house at the crack of dawn, to be early to Hogwarts. Meaning I am left to travel to platform 9¾ on my own.

I walk up the platforms, passing each number, until I reach platforms 9 and 10. I look around to make sure no muggles are watching, then run at the wall between the platforms. As I get closer, I close my eyes, half expecting to crash.

But I don't. Instead, when I open my eyes I am greeted with the sight of the Hogwarts express. A beautiful red and black steam train that felt as though it stretched a mile long. My heart pounds in my chest just looking at it.

I place my heavy luggage in the compartments and take my handheld bag with me.

I step inside the train and start to look for an empty compartment. Much to my misfortune, they are all full. So instead I search for some friendly looking people to sit with.

I land on a compartment filled with three boys. One, who is short and has sandy blonde hair. The second, a tall boy with dark skin, sitting next to the one with sandy hair. And the third, a shy looking boy, with combed brown hair, who is sitting opposite the others. There's a free seat next to him.

I open the sliding doors and poke my head inside.

"Can I sit here?." I ask shyly.
"Everywhere else is full." The boy with sandy hair nods and the boy with combed hair gives me a small smile.

I step inside and put my handheld luggage in the overhead compartment, then sit down in the free space.

"I'm Lilith Riddle." I say to the three boys.

"I'm Seamus Finnigan." Says the boy with sandy hair.

"I'm Dean Thomas." Says the dark skinned boy.
"And this is Neville Longbottom, he doesn't talk much. Not unless you get to know him." Dean says, gesturing to the boy next to me.

"Nice to meet you all." I say.
"So what subjects are you looking forward to?" I ask.

"Quidditch." Says Dean

"Not potions that's for sure, I've tried to brew potions before but they blow up every time." Seamus says with a disappointed look on his face. He has a thick Irish accent that makes me giggle a little, because I have never met anyone with and accent like his.

"Herbology." Neville says, in practically a whisper. I can tell he's very anxious. In his hands, is a rather large toad, that keep making little croaking noises. Though I've never really liked toads, this one was rather cute.

"I'm looking forward to herbology too, I bought a book from Flourish and Blotts all about it." I smile.
After hours of talking about school, magic and other fascinating things, my eyes feel heavy and I feel myself drifting into sleep.

As I am about to fall asleep, Neville's toad leaps into the air to escape his grasp, then hops out of the carriage.

"TREVOR!" Neville shouts, snapping me out of my sleepy state. I look around confused, seeing that Neville is running down the hall of the train, as if he were trying to chase something.

"What's going on?" I ask the other two.

"His toad escaped." Says Seamus rolling his eyes. I return the eye roll and continue to try to fall asleep.

I feel myself slip into a dream.


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