The break up

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It's just a normal day when I got a text from my bf Ben
B:Hey Lex! Do you want to hang out today?
L:Yeah sure!What time?
B:Does 7:00pm works?
B:Okay see you later
L:See you later
Lately I feel like I'm not inlove with him anymore whenever I see him or we talk i don't feel anything I don't feel butterflies in my stomach I don't feel sparkles I don't feel anything I decided that today will be the day that I'm gonna tell him how I feel about him i hope he feels the same way because I don't want him to be heartbroken
Ben texted me that he is waiting for me outside i quickly go downstairs i told my mom that I was living i go outside and start walking to his car i got into his car and he says "Hey Lex" "Hi Ben" I said he started driving and we go to a park and sit on a bench it was quiet but then I said "Hey Ben I think we should talk about our relationship" "Yeah we should" he said "So I wanted to tell you that um I don't have feelings for you anymore and I feel like it's better for us to be just friends" I said I was scared that he will be heartbroken and he'll never talk to me but then he spoke "Yeah I think we should break up because Lately i felt like I lost feelings for you and I didn't know how to tell you that we should break up" I was surprised that he felt the same "Well I hope you find someone that will love you so much" I said "I wish the same for you" he said we hugged then Ben drived me home as soon as I go to my room i wanted to talk to someone so I called my friend Andrew he picked up and he said
A:Hey Lex
L:Hey Andrew
A:Why are you calling me?
L:Well I wanted to talk to someone because something happened..
A:What happened Lex?!?
L:Well Ben and I broke up...
A:Omg I'm so sorry Lex are you okay
L:Yeah I'm fine don't worry I don't really care to be honest
L:Well bc lately I have lost feelings for him and I wanted to break up with him so today we hang out for a little and we talked about our relationship and we decided to break up
A:Ohh Well do you want to hang out for a little?
L:Yeah sure
A:Okay I'll be in front of your house in 5 minutes
L:Okay see you soon bye
5 minutes later I see Andrew's car pulling up in front of my house I got out and started walking to his car he got out of his car and opened the door for me i get in and he get in too
A:Hey Lex-hugs her
L:Hi Andrew-hugs him back
A:So where do you wanna go?
L:I don't know we could maybe go to the park
A:Yeah sure we could stop by Taco Bell to get you Baja Blast
L:Yeah sure
We get to Taco Bell and I was about to pay when Andrew stopped me
A:Don't worry Lex I'll pay
He is such a gentleman
We drived to the park when we got there we go and sit on a bench
We talked and laughed for a little then Andrew dropped me off at my house
A:Bye Lex-hugs her
L:Bye Andrew-hugs him back
A:Good night Lex
L:Good night Andrew
I got in the house and go to my room i showered brushed my teeth and go to sleep
I was just chilling at my house when Lexi called me she said that she broke up with Ben and I offered her to hang she agreed then I go to her house when I saw her walking to my car i got out of my car and opened the door for her then I got in my car and started driving we stopped at a red light and I saw her looking out of the window I looked at her and saw how beautiful she is i love her so much I would do anything for her even if it cause me dead it turned green light i started driving to Taco Bell we got Baja Blast and then we go to the park we sit on a bench and talked and laughed for a little then I dropped her at her house
A:Bye Lex-i hugged her
L:Bye Andrew-she hugs me back and I felt butterflies in my stomach she got out of the car and I was looking at her walking to her house while I was looking at her walking to her house i wanted to go out of my car run up to her and kiss her and never let go of her but I couldn't because that will probably ruin our friendship and I didn't wanted to be the one to ruin it so I go to my house showered brush my teeth and go to sleep thinking about Lexi.

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