~Montana~ pt.1

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A month have passed after what happened I started seeing a therapist and now I feel a lot better.
Today me,Andrew,his aunt and some of her friends are going to a vacation to Montana. Last night I packed my things and decided to stay at Andrew's place.In the morning we woke up at 6:00am we got ready and Andrew putted our suitcases in the trunk of his car then we got in and he started driving.

The drive was long but we talked.
Andrew had his hand on my thigh and my hand was on top of his.
A:You look really beautiful in this.
Lr:Thank you babe you look really handsome.*smiles*
He turned to look at me and smiled.
Lr:Eyes on the road handsome.
A:Oh crap sorry I just got lost in those beautiful green eyes.
He always can make me blush.

Two hours later we arrived In Montana. Andrew's aunt was already here.
Lr:Finnaly we're here!
A:Finnaly! I can't feel my legs.
He grabbed our suitcases from the trunk and we walked to the hotel there we saw his aunt waiting for us.
His aunt's name is Claudia she is literally so beautiful.
C:Andrew,Lexi hello! *smiles and hugs them*
Lr&A:Hi! *smiles and hugs her back*
C:Lexi you look so pretty! *smiles*
Lr:Thank you,you look so beautiful!
C:Thank you honey!
A:Auntie are you not going to give me a compliment? *laughs*
C:You look very handsome.
A:Thank you! *smiles and laughs a little*
C:Okay let's go and check you guys in.
We checked In the hotel and then Claudia walked us to our hotel room.
She opened the door and our room looked so beautiful. The view from the balcony is breathtaking.
C:Okay I'm gonna head out now we'll meet you guys for dinner.
Lr&A:Okay bye!

His aunt left the room.
Lr:This bed is so comfortable.
I said while laying on the bed and Andrew layed next to me.
A:It really is. Do you want this bed to remember us? *smirks*
Lr:Right now? *giggles*
A:Mhm.*bits his lips*
Lr:How about no.*laughs*
A:Okay you missed your chance to see my abs and to touch my muscles.
Lr:You know that whenever I want I can do one thing and boom you're on top of me.*smiles*
A:That's right.*chuckles*

Few hours pass and we were getting ready for dinner. I tied my hair up in a ponytail,I have on my short brown leather dress,with black tights,brown coat, and blue jean boots. Andrew have on black shirt,black jeans and black shoes.I'll name him with one word and the word is handsome.

A:Babe you ready?
I was staring at him almost drooling myself.I could just hear his echo. He then walked up to me and kissed me.
A:Babe i asked you if you're ready.*chuckles*
Lr:Sorry got a little distracted. But yeah I'm ready.
A:Okay then let's go.

We walked to the restaurant and met with Andrew's aunt.
C:Hi guys! Lexi you look so pretty! *smiles*
Lr:Thank you so much you look gorgeous.*smiles?
C:Okay let's get in
C:Before we go in with us are one of my friends kids and they're big fans and they love you both but they said that they love Lexi more.
Lr:Well I honestly expected that.*laughs*
A:Oh really?.*giggles*
C:Okay let's get in lovebirds.

We walked in and we saw two big tables filled with people they all stand up as soon as they saw us they stood up from their chairs.They were all so nice to me then a woman came up to me.
H:Hi my name is Heather!
Lr:Hi I'm Lexi nice to meet you!
H:Nice to meet you too.My kids are big fans of you guys especially you Lexi they literally love you everyday they'll say how much they want to meet you and they still don't know that you're here with us!
Lr:Oh really? We can surprise them.Where are they?
H:Great idea but they're not here right now they're up in their room.We can surprise them tomorrow before going to ski.
Lr:Yeah sure!*smiles*

We sat down and had dinner.I talked with Andrew's uncle he was really nice and funny.We got some pictures and had really good time.

Later, after dinner Andrew took some pics for me and we go to our room.
Lr:What a long and exhausting day.
A:Yeah I'm so tired.
He was about to unbutton his black shirt when I stopped him.
Lr:Wait I'll do it for you.*smirks*
I started to unbutton his shirt and saw him staring at me.Two minutes later i finally unbuttoned his shirt.

Lr:There you go! *smiles*
I turned around and start walking to my suitcase to get my pj when Andrew grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me closer to his body.
A:You're making me to rip off this beautiful dress so it can reveal your body.
He said whispering in my ear.
I turned around to face him I put my hands on his chest,leaned closer to his face and spoke.
Lr:What is stopping you from doing it? *smirks*

He was looking down at me smirking.
I started moving my hands around his chest,then moved them to his back.
Andrew leaned in and kissed me passionately.He pulled my dress down
and layed me on the bed.

After that we showered and go to sleep.

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