Finnaly together

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Andrew's birthday is in 2 days and I don't know what to give him I'll ask him what he wants I was scrolling in tik tok when Andrew texted me
A:Hi Lex do you want to go out with me?
Omg is he asking me on a date?!?
L:Yeah sure what time?
L:Okay see you later then
A:SEE you later Lex
OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ANDREW ASKED ME ON A DATE!!! I started jumping and then I texted Pierson
Later around 6:15pm I started getting ready I showered,brushed my teeth,put on my blue dress,did my hair and put on some lip gloss.

My birthday is in 2 days and I still didn't make Lexi mine so I decided to ask her on a date I was nervous that she will reject me but she actually accepted my offer I was so happy
I think I'll make my move on her
At 6:20pm I started getting ready
I showered,brushed my teeth, I decided to wear a white shirt with black jeans I did my hair and at 6:50pm I drived to Lexi's house when I was infront of her house I texted her that I'm outside as soon as she walked out of her house I felt butterflies in my stomach I got out of my car and go to her
A:Hi Lex!
L:Hi Andrew!
A:You look so beautiful
I said and kissed her hand I opened the door for her then I got in the car
L:So Andrew where are you taking me?-she smiled as she asked me
A:It's a surprise Lex
I started driving I glanced at Lexi a few times.
We reached the restaurant it was a sushi restaurant I choosed a sushi restaurant because Lexi loves sushi!
We got in and we go to our table
The waiter came to us and gives our menu Lexi ordered a red wine and I did too then we ordered our food.
My date with Andrew is perfect so far we talk and laugh then I asked him
L:Andrew what do you want for your birthday?
He said starting to laugh I laughed too
L:But for real what do you want?
A:Hmmm probably a Cristiano Ronaldo jersey
He said and putted his hand on mine
my heart started beating so fast I was blushing so hard our food came and it was so good.
At 10:00pm Andrew drived me to my house
My date with Lexi is perfect so far we talk and laugh I love her smile and laugh she was looking so beautiful tonight I put my hand on hers and I noticed that she was blushing.
At 10:00pm I drived her to her house
L:Thank you for tonight Andrew
She hugged me and I felt butterflies
A:Ofc Lex
I hugged her back
L:Okay bye Andrew
A:Bye Lex
She got out of the car and walked to her house then I left.I go to my house showered and brushed my teeth but I felt like I needed to see Lexi again so I got up grabbed my keys and drived to her house before I reached her house I texted her
A:I'll be infront of your house in 5 minutes
L:Okay text me when your here
5 minutes later I was infront her house I texted her that I'm outside and got out of my car.
Just in a minute I saw her walking towards me she was looking so beautiful even in a pair of black hoodie and gray sweatpants.
L:Hello again
She said and chuckles
L:So why are you here
A:Because I wanted to see you again
I said and put my hands on her waist
L:Oh really
She said and puts her arms around my neck
I was staring in her beautiful green eyes she put her hand on my cheek while her other arm was around my neck.
A:I love you Lex.i've always loved you.You're the only girl that can make me really happy everytime I see you walking towards me I feel my heart beating fast and it feels like it's going to come out of my chest but the times you walk away from me I stop breathing because I can't breathe without you.And I understand if you don't want to be in a rela-.
Before I can finish my sentence she grabbed my face and kissed me.
L:I love you too and I would love to be in a relationship with you.
I smiled big at her,I picked her up and spined her around.
A:You don't know how much I waited to hear this words from you.
I kissed her again.
I can't believe that I finally got the girl!!!

EPIC LOVE~LANDREW LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now