Tik tok Monday

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Today is tik tok Monday Andrew's birthday is in 4 days and I don't know what to give him I layed in my bed for a few minutes then I got up and got ready for the day.

We have to be at the Amp house at 12:30pm now was 11:55am the house was 30 minutes away so I'll leave in 5 minutes I was laying on my bed and watching on my phone few minutes pass and I saw that it was time for mw to go I grabbed my keys and left for the amp house I was a little late bc I got some Starbucks on the way there
I got there when I walk out of my car I saw Andrew walking out of his he was looking so fine.

A:Yooo Lexiii what's up
L:Hi Andrew
We hugged and walk in the house together Andrew goes to the boys and I go to Pierson and Liv
Later we were all talking when we heard a knock on the door Brent go and open it we heard him saying "OMG" we all go there and we saw Lexi Hensler at the door!! I was so happy to see her I haven't seen her in months
Me,Pierson and Liv ran to hug her then the boys hugged her
Me and the girls go to a different room with her and sat there talking
L:How have you been Lexi?
Lh:I'm good me and my bf are getting a new house soon.How have you guys been?
P:We're good
Lh:Did something interesting happened when I was gone?Any drama?
Pierson and Liv turned and look at me
P:Well Lexi can you tell what happened?*she smirked at me*
Lr:Well I fall inlove
Lh:Oh my gosh with who?
You guys will make a great couple!!
We continue talking when Andrew came up to us
A:Hi girls can I stole Lexi R from you guys
Lh&P&Lv:Yes!!*They all smiled at me*
Andrew picked me up and we go to a room
Lr:So what do you need me for?
I said laughing
A:Let's make a tik tok!!
We made the tik tok then I go to the girls they were all smiling at me
P:So what happened?
Pierson said smiling at me
Lr:Oh we just made a tik tok
They all looked at each other and smirked
Lh&Lv&P:Oh nothing
They giggled.
Later we all left the house.

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