"I'll always save you from danger"

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I woke up this morning at 8:35am with Lexi still asleep in my arms she looked so cute I got up from bed get in the bathroom brushed my teeth and go to make breakfast for Lexi❤️.
I woke up this morning at 9:00am as I opened my eyes I didn't saw Andrew next to me I got up from bed get in the bathroom brushed my teeth and I walked of his room I saw him in the kitchen making breakfast he was shirtless his sweats are low and his v-line is visible he turned around and saw me staring at him
A:Good morning Lex!*smiles*
When he smiles my heart is always melting
L:Good morning Andrew!
I smiled back at him
A:I made pancakes if you're hungry
L:Yeah i am*smiles*
I sat on the chair and Andrew placed the plate with pancakes infront of me
I took one bite and they were really good
L:They are really good Andrew!
A:Well I'm glad you like them!*smiles*
I ate the pancakes got ready and put my makeup on
A:Hey Lex want me to drop you off at your house
Andrew grabbed the keys we put our shoes on and walk out of the house when we reached his car he opened the door for me he is such a gentleman
L:Thank you Andrew!*smiles*
A:Ofc!*smiles back at her*
He got in his car and drived me to my house few minutes later we were infront of my house
L:Thank you for last night Andrew!*hugs him and kisses his cheek*
A:No problem Lex I'll always save you from danger*hugs her back*
When he said that my heart skipped a beat I got out of the car waved at him and I got in my house
B:Where were you?!?
My annoying brother Brent asked as I walk in my house
L:I was out last night and I stayed over at a friend's house!
B:Hmm okay
Omg he is so annoying.
I walked upstairs in my room and I got a text from Pierson
P:Hey Lex wanna go to Starbucks with me and Liv?
L:Yeah sure!what time?
P:Does 12:30pm works?
P:Okay see you soon!
L:See you soon!
Can't wait to tell Pierson and Liv what happened last night.

It's 11:15am and I started to get ready
I showered brushed my teeth put on lip gloss did my hair sprayed some perfume and waited for Pierson and Liv.
It was 11:55am when Pierson texted me that they are outside I walked out of the house and go to Pierson's car
Pierson and Liv yelled when I got in the car
I yelled back
We got to Starbucks ordered our drinks and sit outside at a table
L:Guys you won't believe what happened last night
P&L:What happened?!?
L:So I go to a club last night with my friends Natalie and Kaylene and we go to get drinks then we sit on a table then Natalie and Kaylene go to dance and I was left alone then a guy came up to me and asked me if I want to dance I said that I have a bf and he said that he won't know I said No and he started being aggressive I slapped him runned to the bathroom locked the door and texted Andrew to come pick me up I was in there a few minutes then I heard Andrew and the guy talking and I think Andrew beat him up then I opened the door and hugged him tight he dropped me off at my house I go to sleep but I couldn't and go to Andrew's house and spent the night there.
P&L:Awwww he protected you!!
L:Yeah isn't he cute! I didn't realize that I said that Pierson and Liv looked at each other and then Pierson asked me
P:Lex are you inlove with him?
I sat there blushing and smiling and the silence says it all
Lv:Omg she is really inlove with him
L:Do you guys think he like me back?
L:But what if he doesn't like me
P:Lex trust me he does I've seen the way he looks at you he is inlove with you too!
L:I hope so!!
We were there for 2 hours and then Pierson dropped us off.

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