The end

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~3 year pass~
3 years have passed.Me and Andrew are still together.Everything is going great until one day that changed everything.
A:Babe I'm leaving for the store!Do you need anything.
Lr:No!Be safe!
A:I will bye love you!
Lr:Bye Love you too!!

With that he go to the store.
One hour has passed and he still wasn't back.
The news started and I was shocked what I heard.
"There was a big explosion in one of the biggest supermarkets in the town.
There is a lot of people that couldn't make it others survived and now are in the hospital."
That's when my phone started ringing.It was an unknown number I picked up and I heard a woman talking.
??:Hello is this Lexi Rivera?
Lr:Yes who is it?
D:I'm Dr.Brooke.I'm calling you from LA Hospital to tell you that your boyfriend was in the explosion that happened before one hour and now he is in a surgery.
Lr:I'm on my way!
I runned to my car and drived to the hospital.
Lr:Hello I'm here for Andrew Davila.
N:Oh he is in a surgery right now you have to wait.
Lr:What room is he in?
N:Room 110.
I walked to his room and sit outside of the room.I called the squad to come.
As I was waiting for them the doctor walked out of his room.
Lr:Doctor how is he?!?
D:Well not good.He needs a new heart and if we don't change his heart he will d*e.
I started to think this situation.I didn't know what to do I don't want him to die.Not thinking about what will happened I told the doctor:
Lr:I can give him mine!
D:Are you sure?If you do it you will never wake up.
Lr:Yes I'm sure! He deserves to live more years.
D:Okay we'll call you when we're doing the surgery.

I don't know what I just did.I didn't expect to end my life like this.
I love him so much and i want him to live more years and to be happy with or without me.
As I was talking in my mind the squad came.
Lr:Hi guys.
Db:How is he?
Lr:Not good.
Lv:Are you okay?
Lr:No but I will.
They all hugged me.
Ev:Yes Lex?
Lr:Can you guys do me a favor?
Ev:Sure, what do you want us to do?
Lr:Can you guys give him this when he wakes up?
I handed them a piece of paper with a message on it.
Ev:What is that Lexi?
The doctor came before I could tell them what is it.
D:Lexi it's time.
P:Time for what?
Lr:Goodbye guys! I love y'all I'll see you guys in a better place.
They all realized what is happening and started crying.
I walked in a room with the doctor and the surgery started.
I saw a white light coming closer and closer.I woke up in a different place everything there was beautiful one thing I'm missing is Andrew.
But I'll see him again one day.

I woke up not knowing what happened.I was in a hospital room and all of my friends and family were there.There was one person that was missing it was Lexi.They were all looking sad.
A:Guys what happened??Where is Lexi?!?
My mom and sister sat on the bed and hugged me.
A:Can someone tell me what happened?
Br:There was explosion in the biggest supermarket in the town and you were in it.When you came in the hospital the doctor said that the chances for you to wake up are low and that you needed a new heart.
And Lexi.....
A:What happened with her Brent??
Answer me!!
P:She gave her heart to you..
A:No no no no...
I started crying and my mom and sister hugged me tight.
P:She also told us to give you this when you wake up.

Pierson handed me a piece of paper with a message on it.
The message said.
"Hi my love! If you're reading this it means that you woke up and that I'm not here.I'm so sorry but I wanted you to live more years and to be happy with or without me.Just live your life and make things that make you happy.
We'll see each other again in a better place.
For now Goodbye I love you!
~Love Lexi~"

I can't believe she is gone.I appreciate what she did for me but I can't live my life without her she is the only thing that makes me happy.
I have planned our whole life together but that will probably happen in another universe.
I guess that's the end of our epic love story.

~1 month pass~
It's quite without Lexi.
Everything is not the same.
Our fans are sad.
Me and the squad took a break of youtube and social media for a while.
I visit her grave everyday and all I read is:
Now she rest in piece"

I tried to be with other girls,but I can't not everyone makes me happy as Lexi did.

One day I just couldn't take it anymore i got in my car and drived to a cliff.I drived off the cliff and when my car reached the ground it made an explosion.
I saw a white light coming closer to me I guess that was my ticket to heaven.

I woke up in a different place everything there was beautiful.
I heard a familiar voice talking behind me.
??:I loved the part when you said
"I have planned our whole life together but that will probably happen in another universe.
I guess that's the end of our epic love story"

I turned around and saw Lexi.
She was leaning against a tree and she was looking at me with a smile on her face.
Lr:Hello stranger! *smiles*

This smile,this beautiful smile I missed this smile.
Lr:You didn't have to do this.
A:I rather die to be with you then live a life without you.*smiles*

I walked up to her and kissed her.
I pulled away and held her hand.
And that's how our story ends.
Before I d*ed a left a note saying:
"I'm sorry everyone I just couldn't take it anymore.I miss Lexi so much and I just couldn't live anymore.
I'll be happy with Lexi!
I'll see y'all in the afterlife."

Author's note:
Wow what an unexpecting ending!
And that's the end of my first book.
I'm sorry to the people that didn't like the ending.I promise that in my other book it's not going to have this ending😭😭.
My next book it's coming very soon❤️
Stay tuned💕

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