"You're mine and only mine"

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Andrew's birthday is tomorrow I already ordered the gift he wanted I'm just waiting to be delivered to my house.Later on the day I heard a knock on the door I go to opened and I saw a boy holding a package.That is probably Andrew's gift.
??:Hi a package for Mrs.Rivera?
L:Oh that is for me
??:Okay here you go I just need you to sign this paper
Ad I was signing the paper I saw the boy looking at me
??:You're so pretty
L:Thank you
??:Wanna hang out sometime soon?
L:Sorry but I have a bf
??:Oh okay well have a good day
L:You too
That was awkward.
I got in my room and opened the package and it was Andrew's gift I wrapped it like a present and watched on my phone.
As I was watching on my phone I got a text from Andrew.
A:Hey babe
L:Hi baby
A:Want to hang out today?
A:Okay I'll pick you up at 7pm
L:Okay bye love you❤️
A:Bye love you too❤️
At 7pm Andrew's car pull up in my driveway I got my bag with clothes and walked out of the house when I reached his car he got out of the car and opened the door for me
Ugh I love when he is a gentleman.
Then he got in the car.
A:Hi baby
I grabbed his face and kissed him
L:Hi luv
A:I missed you
L:I missed you too
He started driving and we were talking the whole ride
L:Omg babe you won't believe what happened today
A:What happened baby?
L:So I got a package today and the one who delivered my package was a boy and like he gave me the package and I was signing some paper and he said
"You look so pretty" and I said "Thank you" and then he said "Wanna hang out sometime soon" and I said "No I have a bf"
A:Does this boy want me to beat him up?
I started laughing
L:Well I won't see him anymore so you don't have to beat him up
A:If you see him again and he come closer to you I'll beat him up.
You're mine and only mine and no boy except me will be closer to you
He said it so sexy it made me to tell him to stop the car and kiss him until i can't breathe.
We reached the beach it was already dark outside.
L:Babe what are we doing here
A:You'll see.But did you bring extra clothes?
He got out of the car opened the door for me and picked me up in a bridal style
L:You know I can walk*laughs*
A:I know but I want to carry my wife
L:We're not married Andrew*laughs*
A:We will be soon
When we reached the sand Andrew started running towards the water
We got in the water and he walked further in the water with me still in his arms
L:You dumb ass now I'm wet*laughs*
I said while wrapping my legs around his waist
A:Who are you calling a dumb ass
He asked and tickles me
L:No one
I said almost peeing my pants
A:That's what I thought
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body
Ugh he is so hot
A:I love you
L:I love you too
I caressed his cheek and kissed him passionately on the lips
A:If we're going to do something let's get out of here
He walked to the car with me still in his arms
L:Wait put me down so I can change
He puts me down grabbed the bag with clothes from the car and gave them to me I changed while I was changing I saw Andrew glancing at me a few times I got in the car and we drived to his place.
Few minutes later we are at his house.
When we got to my place I immediately picked Lexi up and started kissing her I walked in my room and sat on the bed with Lexi on my lap.
I felt her hands under my shirt I removed her clothes from her and she removed mine I layed her on the bed and I layed on top of her I got a condom from the nightstand and before I could remove her underwear she said
L:Happy Birthday
I looked at the clock that was standing on the nightstand I saw that it was already 12am I turned back to Lexi and kissed her.
After an amazing night together we fall asleep cuddling❤️

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