The Kidnapping

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This morning I woke up at 10:15am I brushed my teeth and go downstairs to eat breakfast.
Lm(Lexi's mom):Good morning hun!
Lr:Good morning mom! What do we have for breakfast?
Lm:Pancakes! Here you go!
She handed me the plate with pancakes I sat on the table and started eating few minutes later she sat next to me.
Lm:Where have you been these days? I haven't seen you that much.
Lr:Oh I was just at Andrew's house.
Lm:You spend a lot of time there don't you think it's time for you guys to move In together.
Lr:Yeah your right I'll talk with him about that.
I got a glass of water and sat back on the table.
Lm:What do you guys do when you're together?
Lr:Going out sometimes we just stay and watch movies.
Lm:Do you guys have sex?
I took a sip of my water and when she asked me this I chocked on it.
Lr: ...Yes...
Lm:Oh well it's normal for your age.
Just be careful I have to go now see you later honey *kisses her head*
And with that she left.
I decided to go to the mall I got ready I put on my brown dress did my hair and drived to the mall I got Starbucks on the way there.
I walked around and saw a fan.
Lr:Omg hii!!
She hugged me tight.
F:Lexi I love you so much!
You're literally the best youtuber you always can make everyone smile and you don't know that you can save lives. Watching your videos helped me to get out of my depression faze.
And you did that to so many other people. Me and all of your fans love you so freaking much!!
Lr:Awwww I'm glad I make y'all happy. And I love you guys so much more!!
We got a picture and the girl left I didn't even thought that I can be a lifesaver with just my existence. I'm glad all of my fans love my content and me I love them all so freaking much. I walked around the stores and then decided to go back home.
On my way to the car someone pulled me aside and put his hand on my mouth.
??:Don't scream if you want to be alive.
The person dragged me in a van and drived to an old building he picked me up on his shoulder and entered the building there the person sat me on a chair and tied me he put a tape on my mouth. Few seconds later another person came in when I saw his face I freezed to see Andrew's dad I was so shocked to see him I was like how and why am I here.
B:Hello again gorgeous.*smirks*
You probably wonder why you are here. Well it's because of my son I almost got in jail again but luckily for me they just arrested me for 72 hours now I want to make him suffer and you are probably like "why I am here then?". Well I heard from a bird that he is so inlove with you he will literally kill someone for you. And now I'm taking the only thing he loves so much in this world. And the best part is that he can't find you and now you are all mine.

He putted his hand on my tight and smirked at me. He was about to do something when my phone rings I didn't know it was still with me.
I'm so worried about Lexi I'm texting her all day and she doesn't answer I drived to her house and she wasn't there I called her and finnaly she picked up.
A:Lexi oh my God where are you?
B:Hello son!
A:Dad where is Lexi? What did you do to her?!?
B:Oh Lexi? She is okay with me don't worry.
A:I swear to God if you hurt her you're dead!
B:If you want her alive chill with the words!
A:One question why did you had to kidnapp her? Out of the people you would love to hurt or do something else you choosed her. Why?
B:Because I know how big your love for that girl is! You literally can kill someone for her.
A:Yeah and your going to be the first one I would murder!
B:I wanna see you try!
With that he hung up.
"FUCK" I screamed and throw my phone on the floor. Luckily it didn't broke I decided to call Brent.
Br:Yo Andrew!
A:Yo Brent! Something happened with your sister.
Br:What happened?!?
A: *tells him everything*
Br:Omg I'm gonna kill him!
A:What are we going to do?
Br:I'm calling the police and tell them she is missing.
Br:Everything will be fine.
A:I swear to God Brent if he hurt her or touches her with one finger he is dead.
Br:I'll kill him too now I have to make another call so Bye.

I hope Andrew finds me soon because I'm scared of what can happen. His dad started to untie me I thought he is letting me go but oh boy how wrong I was.
B:I waited so long for this to happen.
He started to undress my bottom half I tried to push him away but I couldn't he removed his pants and r*ped me.
After that he left me there on the cold floor I put on my clothes and just sat there waiting for someone to come and help me.

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