Leaving for Texas

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Today Andrew is leaving for Texas to spend Christmas with his family.But before that we're gonna hang out.
We're gonna get some coffee and talk for a little.
I have to pick him up because at 12:00pm he has to go to the airport.
At 10:30 I stopped infront of his house.He came out few minutes later with his suitcase.He put it in my trunk and got in the car.
A:Hey Baby*kisses her and hugs her*
L:Hey babe*kisses him and hugs him*
A:You sound sad are you okay?
L:Yeah I'm okay
A:You sure?
L:Mhm now let's go
I drived to my favorite coffee place we got coffee and sit on a bench.
It was so early and there was no one around us.
Andrew put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.I layed my head on his shoulder.
A:My aunt said that in February she is going on vacation with her friends to Montana and she would love both of us to be there.So do you wanna go?
L:Yeah sure!*smiles*
He pulled me on his lap
L:Andrew what if someone sees us?
A:No one will Lex don't worry there is no one else here it's just us
He started giving me little kisses on my face.
A:I'm gonna miss you so much
He said and continued giving me kisses
L:I'm gonna miss you too luv
A:I'm gonna miss your kisses,your hugs,your smile,your laugh,your beautiful green eyes,your face and everything about you!
L:I'm gonna miss your lips,your warm hugs,your eyes,your smile,your laugh,your whole face and everything about you*kisses him*
A:*kisses her back* I love you*smiles*
L:I love you too*smiles*

2 hours passed and Andrew had to go to the airport.
I drived him to the airport.
We got there we got out of the car Andrew took his suitcase from my trunk.I hugged him tight,he picked me up and hugged me.
L:Don't go
A:I don't want to but I have to baby.
I'll be back soon
He said caressing my cheek
L:Okay*kisses him*
A:*kisses her back* I love you *smiles*
L:I love you too *smiles*
He put me down
A:I have to go
L:Okay text me when you land in Texas
A:I will bye babe love you💕
L:Bye babe love you too🫶🏼

Walking away from her is breaking my heart.
I walked in the airport and waited for my flight.As I was waiting a girl came up to me.
??:Hey cutie
A:Who are you?
J:I'm Jess your future girlfriend*smirks*
A:I have a girlfriend so fuck off
J:She doesn't have to know
A:Are you deaf or something because I said Fuck off!!!
J:Damn chill I'll go away

What is wrong with these girls why they don't understand that you have a girlfriend and your never going to cheat on her.
Anyways few minutes later I got on the plane sat on my seat and few hours later I was in Texas.
I waited for my mom to come and pick me up while I was waiting called Lexi
A:Hey Babe
L:Hey love
A:I'm in Texas
L:Oh okay anyways how was the flight?
A:Boring without you.Babe you won't believe what happened
L:What happened?
A:I was waiting for my flight and a girl came up to me she was like "hey cutie" and I asked her who she is and she said "your future girlfriend" and I said I have a girlfriend so fuck off and she was like "she doesn't have to know" and I said "Are you deaf or something I said fuck off" and she finnaly decided to leave me alone
L:She is such a bitch

I saw my mom and my sister walking up to me
A:Anyways babe I have to go
L:Oh okay bye love you
A:Bye love you too
Kd:Hey Mijo
Ld:Hey bro
A:Hi guys!
Kd:How was the flight?
A:Boring without Lexi
Ld:You miss her huh?
A:Ofc I started missing her the minute I walked away from her
Kd:Okay Romeo,Leilani let's go because I have to make dinner

We got home my mom made dinner for the whole family and everyone sat on the table.We were all talking when my phone started ringing and it was Lexi.
A:Sorry guys I have to get that
I go in another room and picked up her call
L:Hey babe
A:Hey love!What are you up to?
L:I'm talking to you*laughs*

We talked and later I go to sleep.

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