He has a girlfriend?!?

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2 years later
Andrew and I have become so close and I think I have feelings for him but one day everyone were in the Amp house for Tik tok Monday when I saw Andrew walking in holding hands with a tall beautiful girl
A:Hey guys this is my gf Jaden
GF?!? He never told me he has a gf
my heart was broken but I didn't show it
J:Hi everyone!*smiles*
Br:Hi I'm Brent
Lv(Liv):Hi I'm Liv
P:Hi I'm Pierson
L:Hi I'm Lexi
D:Hi I'm Dom
J:Hi I'm Jeremy
B:Hi I'm Ben
Everyone introduced themselves then Andrew walked up to me Liv and Pierson were talking to Jaden
A:Yooo Lexi what's upp
L:Hi Andrew
We hugged i instantly felt butterflies
I talked with Andrew for a while then Jaden came up to us
A:Babe can you go somewhere else i want to talk with Lexi
A:Sure*walks away*
I talked with Jaden for a while she wasn't that bad she was actually so nice later everyone left
It's been 2 years since Ben and Lexi broke up I got a gf but I didn't really loved her i was inlove with Lexi I'm always thinking about her I'm with Jaden so the fans can see that me and Lexi are not dating today is Tik tok Monday and I decided to bring Jaden to the Amp house so she can meet my friends as soon as I walked in the house my eyes were on Lexi Jaden introduced herself and everyone did the same i go to talk to Lexi few minutes later Jaden came up to us and said that she wanted to talk to Lexi later we all left when I go to my house I couldn't stop thinking about Lexi I want to be with her so bad but if I tell her that I like her and she doesn't like me back that will probably ruin our friendship and I don't want to loose her well I'll wait even if I'm an impatient person I'll wait for her
*Few months later*
I'm still with Jaden the fans are sad that I have a gf today my family is in town and we'll have a dinner later at 8:00pm
I started getting ready i decided to wear a white shirt with black jeans i did my hair and I waited for Jaden to get ready when she got ready it was 7:50pm so we drived to the restaurant and met with the fam
Am(Andrew's mom):Hey Mijo
A:Hi mom
I said hi to everyone and we got into the restaurant we sat at the table and we ordered our food as I was waiting for my food i got a text from Lexi
L:Turn around!
I turned around and I saw Lexi!!!
I stood up from my chair and ran to hug her i hugged her and she hugged me back
A:Hey Lex what are you doing here?
L:I'm out with my friends and I saw you here what are you doing here?
A:Oh I'm on a dinner with my family and Jaden want to meet them?
L:Sure!GUYS I'LL BE BACK-she said to her friends as she walk in with me we walked to our table and I introduced her to everyone
A:Hey guys this is my friend Lexi-I smiled as I said her name
L:Hii everyone-she smiled
Am:Hi Lexi I'm Karla Andrew's mom-my mom stand up and hugged her i was looking and smiling at Lexi the whole time
As(Andrew's sister)-Hi I'm Leilani Andrew's sister-Leilani hugged Lexi too
Everyone introduced themselves
L:Okay so I have to go now because my friends are waiting for me so Bye Andrew-she hugged me and I blushed a little
A:Bye Lex-i hugged her back
L:Bye guys-she waved at them
She walked out of the restaurant and go to her friends i sat down on my chair and I didn't even notice that I was smiling the whole time
Am:So do you like her?-my mom whispers in my ear
A:no!-I say whispering back in her ear
Am:Don't lie to me Mijo I saw how you are looking at her you're in love!
A:is it too obvious?
I saw my mom whispering something to my sister and my sister whispered something to her
*Karla and Leilani's convo"
K:Andrew Is inlove with Lexi!
L:I know I can see it the way he was looking at her was saying it!!
Later we all left and I go to my house and fall asleep thinking about Lexi..
I was out with my friends Natalie and Kaylene we were passing by a restaurant and I suddenly saw Andrew in there my heart started beating fast so I texted him
L:Turn Around!!
He turns around and saw me!!
As soon as he saw me he stood up from his chair and started running to me he came up to me and hugged me
A:Hey Lex what are you doing here?
L:I'm out with my friends I saw you here what are you doing here?
A:Oh I'm out with my family and Jaden want to meet them?
L:Sure!I'LL BE BACK GUYS!-I said to my friends I got in there and Andrew introduced me to everyone they were all so nice few minutes later I had to go because my friends were waiting for me I told bye to Andrew and hugged him I said bye to everyone and I get out of the restaurant and I saw my friends waiting for me
N:Sooo who is that Lex?-Natalie asked me with a smirk
L:Oh that's my friend Andrew he is from the squad
K:You sure he is just a friend?-Kaylene said
N:Lex we saw the way he looks at you
K:And the way you look at him!!
I blushed and said
L:Is it too obvious?
L:Well yeah I'm inlove with him
I said blushing and smiling
Kaylene and Natalie screamed
L:OMG GUYS CHILL- I said laughing
L:STOPPP-i was blushing and laughing
Later I get back home I showered,brushed my teeth and I go to sleep thinking about Andrew

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