Hurted by a family member

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~Few months pass~
(Btw they told their parents that they're together)
These past months were the best Andrew is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for.
It's a week before Christmas and I will spend it with my family here in Huntington and Andrew is flying to Texas to spend Christmas there.
Today he is taking me on a dinner I can't wait to see him we didn't hang out for 3 days because he was busy and i was busy.
So I showered put on my yellow dress
Did my hair put on makeup and waited for Andrew to come.
At 7:30pm his car stopped in my driveway.I walked outside and saw him standing infront of his car with a bouquet of white roses.He was wearing a shirt with blue and yellow and white jeans and a dark blue hat on top.He was looking hot as always.
A:Hey beautiful!*smiles*
L:Hi handsome!*smiles*
A:These are for you love!
He hands me the bouquet of white roses.
L:You remembered that I love white roses!*hugs him*
A:*hugs her back*I love you
L:I love you too!
A:Let's go before someone takes our table
L:Let's go
We drived to the restaurant.
The restaurant was at the beach we
sat on a table outside with a view looking straight the ocean and the sunset was making
everything more romantic.
The waiter came and took our order we both got pasta and for drinks we got white wine.
A:I missed you these days*smiles*
Andrew said putting his hand on mine.
L:I missed you too*smiles*
A:I couldn't breathe without you these days I don't know how I'll be when I leave for Texas.
L:I'll miss you so much.It will be so boring without you here.
A:I'll call you everyday and tell you about my adventure with changing diapers.*laughs*
L:*laughs*Good luck with that.
We talked and our food came.
We ate and go for walk on the beach.
Andrew was looking sad he was looking at the sea and thinking about something.
L:*stops infront of him*Baby are you okay you look sad?
I said and put my hand on his cheek.
A:Yeah I just remembered something I wanted to forget.
He said with his voice weak and with tears in his eyes.
L:Hey what is it tell me.*kisses him*
I was so worried I've never seen him crying he is always positive and happy.
While me and Lexi were walking at the beach I remembered something from my childhood I wanted to forget.
I remembered that when I was little my dad was an alcoholic and when my mom made a mistake with the food or something else he will beat her up and letting my sisters and me watching him doing it one time I tried to help her but he pushed me away and when he was done with her he pulled his belt from his waist came up to me and beat me up. Luckily my mom and him got a divorce he go in jail and my mom got married to a man who treats her like queen not like a trash.She always told me to be a gentleman and to treat the girl that I love like a princess.
L:Andrew look at me
I heard Lexi talking but I didn't wanted to look at her because if I do I'll break down in tears and I don't want her to see my weak side.
L:Look at me please
A:No Lex
L:Please look at me I'm worried
about you
I slowly turned my face to look at her
When Andrew turned his head I saw tears running down on his cheeks.
L:Andrew you can tell me anything.
What did you remembered
I said removing the tears from his face.
He sat down on the sand and I sat next to him.
A:I just remembered that when I was little my dad was an alcoholic and he used to beat up my mom.He threatened her like a trash and he always wanted me and my sisters to watch him beating her up.One time I tried to help her but he pushed me away and when he was done with her he pulled his belt from his waist came up to me and beat me.But luckily they got divorced my dad got In jail and my mom got married to a man who treats her right.

He was crying so much that he couldn't speak anymore.
I pulled him into a hug he hugged ne tight and digged his head in my neck.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his head.I could hear his breathing getting faster like he couldn't control it.
L:Andrew everything is okay just breath
I said rubbing his back.
L:Breath in and and out...
He copied me and raised his head and layed his forehead on mine
A:I promise you that I'll never let any boy to come near you and hurt you.
L:*kisses him*
Few minutes later he was feeling better and we go in his car and he drived to his place.He was holding my hand the whole time.
We go to his house watched a movie and go to sleep.He was hugging me tight and I was just scratching his head with my nails.

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